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So little Yuki got better,but his friend Haru started showing the same symptoms as Corky(who passed away). He lost a lot of weight,stopped eating/drinking,and was acting very lethargic. We took him to the vet and they injected TMS into him, since he wasn't swallowing properly. We syringe fed him CC as much as we could,but a lot of it just sat at the front if his mouth. He stopped having feces the day he passed away. We thought maybe he was constipated,so my bf took him back to the vet and they force fed him at least 3/4 of a syringe of CC. When he came home he was worse. He started limping over and breathing from his mouth. I thought maybe force feeding him was a bad idea since there was no pooping. We held Haru as he took his last breaths. He stopped breathing only to take one final breath in the end. Haru was a fighter and we will never ever forget our beautiful ebony chinchilla with the funny run. At least we have the video of him. We love you Haru and we miss you so much. We wish we could've kept you forever. We wish you had a chance to grow old. We hope you are in a better place now.
R.I.P. my little Haru.