Good Gerbil Resources?

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I was wondering if anyone had links to forums/websites with good info on gerbils. The SPCA down the street from me has two up for adoption and I've always been curious about them but want to do my research first! I've wandered around Petco looking at stuff but I don't really trust their 'research' (maybe it's better than the chin info though since they are more common...).
i did on the other site post a gerbil forum, but i forgot, they love cardboard tunes. I asked all my coworkers, and friends for their TP and paper towel rolls when they are done with them, so i can give them to the gerbils.
Are they really ok to give? I know there are some concerns with chins about glue, etc, wouldn't that apply to gerbils too? Or do they not eat them, just run through?
I'm not much help with gerbils, but we give our hamster tubes all the time, and while she loves to tear them to shreds, I've never seen her ingest any... I would assume gerbils would be similar.
My gerbils get toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes all the time. The brands I buy don't have any residual glue on the tubes. My gerbils go bonkers for the tube. I belong to a gerbil forum, but I don't have my link in front of me. When I get it I will post it for you. I have learned a lot from this forum.

My gerbils have been such a delight after my hammie had died. They are so active and playful. I have them in a 45 gallon tank that is filled half full with bedding and they have created quite the tunnel system!
Gerblets love the cardboard tubes, and generally don't eat them. It sounds like someone typing on an old typewriter when they get going on their chewing!

Gerbils are a lot of fun, I highly recommend them! They have several sleep/wake cycles throughout the day, and will usually adjust them to your schedule, so they can be awake and ready to play/receive treats while you are around. They also like free runtime if you can provide a space for them to sprint around in, my experience shows they did not like the run around ball either.

Make sure you have a sweater or long sleeved shirt that you don't care about that you can wear while they play on you - they love to tunnel through your sleeves, but they will chew holes in nanoseconds.

be careful though, as gerbils are very territorial and will chase your chins given the chance. ( I have stories)
I had gerbils as when I was in college! They are great pets...very smart! They love to dig and chew, so a metal/wire cage is best for them. I used to make mazes for them with wrapping paper tubes and watch them have a blast running through them onto my bed than back to the chair. They are more friendlier than hamsters too. You will love them if you adopt them. Good luck!!
Actually the most recommended is a large aquarium. That way they can tunnel in the bedding, fill it 1/3 to 1/2 way full of bedding and they will bury the tubes themselves.

Wire cages can be a messy clean up. As they will toss the bedding everywhere :D
I agree that an aquarium is the best environment for gerbils. I tried the wire cage and bedding flew out constantly as they like to dig downward and kick up a ton of bedding. My gerbils have created quite the "underground" tunnel system in the thick layer of bedding I have for them. And they get quite angry with me if I try to mess with it!