Gonna miss them so much!

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Property of Stevie!
Aug 11, 2009
Poperinge, Belgium
With school started today i'll have to leave my chins for the morning and after noon :(

I'm not worried about them as they live at granny nextdoor.

I just can't stop thinking about those little fuzzballs! :cry3:

I even made a plastified card with pics of my chins for between my books.

Lucky I can check on them at noon for 10 min!
Same here ): I'll be gone all day until the evening.. luckily mine sleep through most of the day, and my brother has taken an interest in them and will keep them company while I'm gone!
I know, I miss mine when I am at work! That's why my cell phone has tons of Kunya and Ashe pics to look at! I am sure they miss you, too. Just give them some extra attention when you get home :)