Going on Extended Vacation

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Hey guys,
I'm off to Quebec for 6 weeks this summer, and will be leaving Winston with my cousin. She's going to be coming over to get him used to her, but last time I was away for a week, he wasn't too happy with my brother and sister in law. He stayed balled up with them, and only went out to run once they left him alone. They had been over several times before, and he was happy to have her wake him up and play with him with me there. He's great with people so long as I'm around. Does anyone have any ideas on getting him used to a new person while I'm away, or is he going to be ok with daily checks and food/water.cage changes and cleanings?? Taking him with me is not an option, I've already tried.

Sounds like we're in the same boat - I'm going to Zambia for 6 weeks (leaving Tuesday), and Maserati is staying with family, too. I have also been told that she stays balled up when I'm away, but she's fine when I'm around. She's staying with people that she's semi-used to, but I could use advice, as well! It's funny/sweet how they become so bonded to their caregivers and know the difference between people!

Kendra, good luck with Winston, and I hope you have fun on your vacation!
Not quite a vacation. I'm going for a french immersion program, since I teach FSL, and figured I should know the language if I'm going to teach it!! I know what you mean about bonding though. Winston is rarely huffy if he hears me, and just cuddles up for a sleep. Have fun in Zambia. It sounds like a fantastic trip

I never left Litchi with someone else more than 3 days so I can't really help you. Just a tought does his nails grow very fast? Because I sugesst you cut them before you leave to your cousing won't fight with him to to that.

I hope you'll have fun in you immersion program. Bon voyage!
What we've done to try and help our hedgie acclimate to new surroundings is to make sure she's using the same supplies in her "real" house as in her vacation cottage: same bowls, same wheel, same liners, same water (we leave our Pur water filtration pitcher with the hedgiesitter), etc... We also bring towels from home and our hand soap so that the hedgiesitter's hands will smell "right." Our girl gets a tad chompy if you smell "wrong" to her. Hedgiedaddy and I also choose one t-shirt each to wear a few days before we need to leave her with the hedgiesitter and then bring those t-shirts with her so there's always a familiar scent in the air.

Perhaps you could do the t-shirt thing in reverse? Ask our cousin to roam around in an old t-shirt for awhile and let Winston snuggle with that during the week prior to going to your cousin's house.

Talk with your cousin about what type of schedule she has (eg, when she would be up in the morning to take care of Winston, when she'd be able to get him out to play in the evenings) and get Winston acclimated to that too. Hopefully, it isn't too different from your own, but I'm thinking it might be easier to get him adjusted to different times while he's still in familiar surroundings.

And I definitely second what FiaSpice said about nail clipping. If you can do that before you go, that will help out a lot. Trimming nails is tricky, even when you're used to it. But when presenting with a huffing ball... I don't think either your cousin or Winston will be too pleased with that.
Thanks guys. I've tried most of that before. His whole cage goes with him, and all of his stuff, including cleaning stuff. I do like the reverse shirt idea. I usually just leave one of mine with him. He's not too bad for nail trimming, maybe once a month or longer, so as long as I de them before I go, he'll be fine, if a touch long when I get back. Perhaps he is just a cranky old (young) hedgie. :)
