Goin to the Vet today

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I am taking my little Richie to the vet today. He has been pawing at his face and I did notice a little moisture (well i never felt the wetness, but it seems like it was wet) under his mouth or chin area. I heard him grind his teeth this weekend and he just doesnt seem 100%. He is eating his pellets and treats (chin approved). not too interested in wood sticks, havent seen him eat hay.
Acting fine during playtime......Jumping around like a maniac! And while the on saturday he had large poop it has gone back to normal size.
This is basically his first visit. She is going to do an exam and then if she feels it is necessary (which I think it is), she said she would have to anesthacize (sp??) him and do a oral exam.
Okay my question is while I have him under should I have them do the xray?
What other questions should I ask?
I already know that the visit is going to be about $100 and the anethesia, x-rays, meds, etc..... will run another 400 - 500. While times are tough and I dont have the extra money, I could never stand to see my pet suffer. But I just thought I would ask people with experience what steps I should take.
Thanks for any advice.
While he's under, it'd be much easier to take the x-rays, which will be needed if they don't find anything visually, or don't know what to look for! You'll need three - each side, and then from the top, to see if there's problems. Cheaper in the long run, and no stress of a second visit, too!
If it's $500.00 to get an x-ray with some light anesthesia, then I would call around and find another vet. $500.00 is a surgery price, not an x-ray price. I know that things are different prices in different areas of the country, but regardless, that's ridiculous. I would call around and see about different places and their charges.

I talked to a few people in chat, and they thought that price was ridiculous too, and they are from all different parts of the country.
For my vet visit on Saturday it was $49.50 and that's because it was a "new pet visit". It would have been even cheaper had he already been to that vet. Each of my meds were $13-$14. Now, I have no idea how much X-rays are (though I will probably find out today) but $500 just sounds crazy.
I agree, that does seem quite ridiculous. Our vet is really expensive (as it's a vet school animal hospital), but ours have been nowhere near that - around $150 for 2 views. I would definitely recommend getting the x-rays though, especially if he's going to be anesthetized anyway.
That may have been why the estimate was so expensive - I imagine the grinding might be a few hundred. Perhaps you could call back and find out how much it would be if they don't need to do any work on the teeth?
Ok I got the breakdown:

Exam = $68
Anethesia = $120 (initally told me $58)
Bloodwork = $143
Teeth Trimming = $50
Antibiotics = $50
X-rays = would discuss when i got there?

Happy & Healthy Chin....Priceless!!!
The above prices were from a highly recommended Vet & she specializes in chinchillas.
I also called one other Vet, who I dont really know but supposedly he treats chinchillas.
his costs:
exam - $64
Anesthesia = 50
xrays = 115

didnt give me prices on the other things
I'm confused how they are quoting you prices of antibiotics when they don't even know what is wrong yet. Different antibiotics go for different prices.
I hope all those prices were "if needed" and not "that's what we're gonna do!"
If that's the case, keep looking, as teeth trimming should never be an automatic thing, and I'd bring up the previous price quoted if there's a difference! And competitors prices might help get some down!
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I agree w/ Essentia. They shouldn't be quoting you antibiotics if they don't know whats wrong yet. Different meds are going to cost different prices. Also, just out of curiosity, what is the blood work for? I could be wrong, but I don't think I've ever heard of blood work being done for a dental exam..

Either way, good luck with everything!
all the prices were things that he could possibly need to determine what is wrong (if anything).
i am going for the exam and than discuss options and i am definitely bringing price quotes from the other doctor to see if there is any room for bargaining.
thank you all for your imput, i at least feel a little more informed so i dont just get un necessary tests and spend a ridiculous amount of money if not needed.
Just to let you know when I went to the vet today and asked how much x-rays would cost the vet told me $80. Now I don't know for how many, but considering the cost I read in your first thread, that's alot cheaper.

Just wanted to let you know. Good luck.

Well we are back. The vet was awesome! She was a former chin owner. Very loving and helpful. She did the exam but Richie wasnt letting her look in his mouth so she gave him a little dose of anesthesia and checked his mouth out. She said his teeth are "perfect" looking. They are wearing well and shaped well. She thought she saw some whitish stuff and maybe it was an abcess but upon further checking only saw that the side of his tongue was irritated and maybe something was stuck in his teeth. She swabbed them to clean them and told me to wait a week and see how he is.
She also said he looked very healthy and had beatiful thick fur and he weighs 755 grams!
I told her I wasnt sure where he was from and may have been a pet store pet but not sure and she said if he was that they were using a pretty good breeder cause he looks great. I feel better for now. But I am still watchin him like a hawk!!!
thanks for all the advice...........it helped me do my research
OH and she ONLY charged me 60 for the visit and NO other charge. Very pleased!!
Now that's more like it for a vet fee. That $500.00 had me darn near seizing.

Glad to hear it turned out well. :)
Unfortunately if all the things were needed - $500 is the norm around here "Mishellyshel' did you take your chin to Dr. Janice Goode (she is the best)???