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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I guess the other day I brought some bedding home that was apparently infested with gnats. They are buzzing around the room my chins are in, which is also my room, and they are becoming extremely annoying. I have since returned the bag (which still had gnats in it) in exchange for another bag, but I still have these darn pests flying around and making a new home in the new bedding. Is there any way to get rid of them? Thanks!
Are you sure they came from the bedding? Such a dry substrate isn't a likely place for gnats to lay eggs or pupate. They need a moist environment and a single gravid gnat may have come in, layed eggs in wet shavings or moist spilled pellets thus causing the gnat problem. We rear these types of flying insects in the entomology lab I work at and we would never be able to get anything to survive in a dry shaving substrate... the eggs would dessicate.

Fly strips will help as well as regularly cleaning wet soiled areas of the shavings a few times a week to prevent any laid eggs from hatching or larvae from pupating. You need to stop the cycle and most fly/gnat larvae don't take too long to pupate and reach adulthood.