Giardia! Plz! help

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
So my little girl is being treated for giardia. 1 just died 3 wks ago that was from the same breeder bought at the same time. We didn't know the cause of death but when she started having the same symptoms, we took her to a different vet. She's been on meds since yesterday but now has severe diarhea. I'm hoping its just the meds trying to rid her body of the giardia. I keep forcing water down her from time to time so she doesn't dehydrate. My bf took her to the vet while I was at work so I didn't get to ask all the questions I wanted. They never told him it was contagious. I have 4 other chins that are healthy and I don't want them to get it but think maybe I should treat them anyway. The vet said the breeder must have had an unsanitary environment or the water had set for a long time or possibly was tap. Who knows but now in the midst of hoping she'll live and trying to do all that I can, I don't know what all to do for this. I'm cleaning her cage but she has diarhea bad. So I don't know if I should put her in something else for a few days and then put her back in the cage she lives in? I read I was supposed to throw away anything that can't be sanitized. Is this true? Wood ledges, blocks and all? I just need any advice on this if anyone has ever encountered it. I heard it was possible for it to pass to other pets and even humans! I have a cat. I'm worried and uneducated on it all. I cleaned all water bottles (I do once a week anyway) and food bowls. I'm going to clean her cage but I don't know if I need to clean it daily til she's better or what's best in my situation. Should I take her out of the room with the others too? Also I have one that is shedding? He's newer so I know he's scared but is this normal? Any info or suggestions on this giardia business will be appreciated so please don't hold back! Also what should I clean the cage with? I know if diluted bleach dries all the way it's safe but it still makes me uncomfortable. I've heard vinegar and I do have 'green' cleaners and also a specific cage cleaner. With any of it I always rinse about 10 times bc I'm scared it'll harm them!!!
Thanks it helps but I could use more info. Also they play on the furniture and I have no way of sanitizing it.
you can actually spray lysol on furniture. ( i only know because of human stomach viruses!)

personally if it was me, i would separate into a separate cage in a separate room. one that only has a couple ledges and is easy to clean. in the mean time i would make sure i disinfected the previous cage and play areas. might be good to switch to fleece if you dont already use it because than you can wash the stuff in hot water & mild detergent.
I would NOT use Lysol - it is very bad for all animals because of the phenol (sp??) in it. I really don't know a safe thing to use on the furniture. For now I wouldn't let the chins go where it is hard to clean. I wouldn't separate the sick chin from the others and disinfect your hands before touching each chin.
What medication did they put her on?

Definitely take her out of the room from the other chins.

I would use bleach to clean. After wiping everything in bleach, rinse it and set it out in the sun. The sun will break down the bleach and also aid in disinfecting. Like stated above me, don't let her out anywhere else the other chins will come in contact with.

I also wouldn't be 'forcing' water into her...chins can easily aspirate. Try to get her to take it willingly. You may want to ask the vet about subQ injections...
It's tough to get rid of. I just went through it with the hedgies.

Yes, separate your chins. Separate their toys. Their linens. Their *everything*
Make to take care of your "healthy" chins first and your affected girl last. Wash yourself (hands, arms... wherever you came into contact with her and her stuff) and change your clothes.

You can clean with bleach... I, perhaps, went a bit overboard. So I went bleach & water; let it dry; vinegar & water; then just water to my hedgies' toys, cages, and travel carriers. I boiled their fleece. Wherever they had been (couches) I kept them off and cleaned as best as I could.

You mentioned they play on the furniture... keep them all off it for now so nothing has the chance to spread from there. You noted it's hard to sanitize that furniture... what type are you have a problem with - perhaps we can do a little problem solving.