GI Stasis

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I read through the threads here after a search, and read the sticky article on GI Stasis, but here's my situation.

My girl Fluffy had a prolapsed rectum last Tuesday afternoon. The vet got it back in ok and he ran a catheter up and determined that it’s back in the right position. Well, since then she’s only had some spotty green and/or watery poos, nothing solid. She’s being hand fed Critical Care regularly and having her belly rubbed along with Simethicone. She’s been given sub-q fluids. She’s gotten Metacam. She’s been on Reglin and Propulsid, still nothing. I’m giving her Benebac as well. She’s had multiple x-rays and apparently has no blockage. I’ve read about cases where GI Stasis can last longer than the 5+ days that it’s been for Fluffy, but I’m getting increasingly worried. The Reglin is gone, and there’re only a couple doses of Propulsid left. I guess I’m just wondering what to do next.

Ok, so as I’m typing this, the vet called me. He said we’re going to give her more sub-q’s today and tomorrow and it’s too early go give up.(she looked so miserable on Sat. night that I almost had her put down) He said her age is kind of a factor too. (not sure of her age, but I’m thinking 10+ and I’ve had her for almost 8 years) It may take her a little longer to bounce back. I’m gonna call back on Wednesday with an update, and we’ll go from there.

Any input is welcome.

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One of my chins had some mysterious GI stasis that lasted for 2 months.
The reason why I said "mysterious" is because the vet didn't know what caused it.

The vet initially took some poop & there was an abnormal number of bad bacteria in it. After some Bene-Bac & antibiotic, they didn't help. Subsequently x-rayed him to see if there was anything blocking his gut, nothing showed (but vet suspected fur, which doesn't show up on x-rays). Then, performed a barium study, which showed some irregularities, but nothing so substantial that could've completely blocked the digestive tract. Along the way, he was given all sorts of medication: Bene-Bac (always), Simethicone, GasX (a gas relief over-the-counter medication for human babies), Metoclopramide. I also supplemented his liquid diet with fresh pineapple juice (vet recommended it because it contains enzymes that can break down possible hairball & lubricate the gut), which I honestly think helped a lot. Also gave him electrolytes to keep him hydrated & his gut lubricated.

We just persisted with constant care & eventually he healed on his own, which made the vet suspect that it was a virus that caused all that.
If the girlie is still lively, I would say give the chinnie a chance.
I also think having a knowledgeable, caring vet was also a positive factor towards Winnie's recovery.

Good luck.
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Do you remember how much he weighed roughly and how much, how often, you were feeding the Critical Care? Reason I ask is that Fluffy's belly is HUGE. It has to be uncomfortable. All this CC going in and hardly any coming out.


PS Winnie's story gives me hope! Thank you for sharing.

One of my chins had some mysterious GI stasis that lasted for 2 months.
The reason why I said "mysterious" is because the vet didn't know what caused it.

The vet initially took some poop & there was an abnormal number of bad bacteria in it. After some Bene-Bac & antibiotic, they didn't help. Subsequently x-rayed him to see if there was anything blocking his gut, nothing showed (but vet suspected fur, which doesn't show up on x-rays). Then, performed a barium study, which showed some irregularities, but nothing so substantial that could've completely blocked the digestive tract. Along the way, he was given all sorts of medication: Bene-Bac (always), Simethicone, GasX (a gas relief over-the-counter medication for human babies), Metoclopramide. I also supplemented his liquid diet with fresh pineapple juice (vet recommended it because it contains enzymes that can break down possible hairball & lubricate the gut), which I honestly think helped a lot. Also gave him electrolytes to keep him hydrated & his gut lubricated.

We just persisted with constant care & eventually he healed on his own, which made the vet suspect that it was a virus that caused all that.
If the girlie is still lively, I would say give the chinnie a chance.
I also think having a knowledgeable, caring vet was also a positive factor towards Winnie's recovery.

Good luck.
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Best wishes for Fluffy Rich, sorry nothing to add, it sounds like you are doing an amazing job with her though. I hope she pulls through it!
Well he lost quite a lot of weight for a chin, about 200 grams.
The reason why I originally suspected he was sick was because he wasn't pooping as regularly & his stomach felt hard! The vet said the stomach was hard most probably because it was empty, but full of air.
I remember I gave him about 6-10 teaspoonful of Critical Care every day, depending on whether he was hungry or not. Any leftovers of the already mixed Critical Care, I kept them for up to 48 hours so nothing went to waste. Because he was sick for so long, he eventually got used to syringe-feeding & eating liquid food. I still provided pellets & hay in his cage though. I tried not to mix the Critical Care with too much water because I didn't want him to feel bloated (because like in your situation, more was coming in than out). I mixed the Critical Care with pineapple juice (because like I said, the juice contained good enzymes).

Good luck.
It's been 8 days now and Fluffy's shown no improvement. After more x-rays today, the vet said she looks worse than when the last films were taken. Brenda and I are bringing her to Appleton tomorrow to have an ultrasound. I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worst in this whole situation. Just to think that a mere 9 days ago she was happy as could be. It makes me sad to see her go through this. :cry3:
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Brenda and I had Fluffy put down this morning after she took a turn for the worse. Please close this thread.
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