Getting another chin!

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Chin ownder
May 25, 2012
British Columbia, Canada
I have had my chinchilla Bobo for two weeks now, making him about 14 weeks old. I'm getting another one on Sunday, and the breeder is introducing them and making sure they are safe.. but I am wondering what to expect? Should I thoroughly clean the cage so as not to overwhelm Tibirius with Bobo scents? Or let him adjust to the smells? Should I supervise them when they are together and leave them in separate cages overnight? I will ask all of these questions to the breeder when I see her, but I want to be prepared if I need a second dwelling or anything! I'm familiar with most rodents but Bobo is my first Chinchilla, despite my fascination with them since I was 5 years old.
You can't just throw two chins together and expect them to get along. I think you have to slow down a bit and get another cage set up for the new chin in a diffrent room so you can quarantine him, ect.

Your going to need two cages away in case they don't get along later in time. Are you sure you can handle another chin, when you got your first one only two weeks ago?
I have another cage for him, I just need another hay basket so that much is prepared. And the breeder will make sure they get along and will give me a lot of instructions on him. I'm prepared to keep them in separate cages for now or whenever, in another room if need be. I'm just worried that they will get along but fight when I am not present. Patience is definitely key for chinchillas, as I've researched and learnt. I would like them to be young when they meet though, so they can adapt. Instead of having an older chin and getting another when he is used to being the only one.
Well, I have a shell of a cage. Needs levels for a chin to be able to be vertically happy... But that's the beauty of a boyfriend in construction, eh? Anyway, we have the space I just need to set up the second cage, which I'll do tomorrow. It's about half a meter tall and a bit less in length, so we can fit a couple levels in :) I am not expecting it to be a magical introduction where they are chinchilla-soul-mates though, don't worry! Just hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and wondering what specifically to expect.
Problem with chinchillas is they can act like best buds one day, next day they are mortal enemies-this can even happen after being together for years. So its best to have one cage set up per chin in case the bond busts apart at 3:00 am on x-mas when stores are closed.
Good luck with how it goes, be prepared for anything to happen! Pictures, maybe? :D