Getting another chin!

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
I've been thinking about getting another chin for awhile now (and by "awhile now", I mean "I've been planning this since I first got Tia). I was going to wait until August to get another, but when I read that there are 6 chins about an hour north of me who need homes, well... Let's just say that I hope to be visiting them soon and maybe taking one home. ;) I have almost everything for a second chin, I'd just need a second slab of granite.

IN THE MEANTIME, I was devising a set up for his/her's cage... what do you guys think?

Don't do any ramps and instead put a hammock above where you have the chube. Instead of a about a fleece tube between the two ledges? Chinnies love their fleece tubes! It looks wonderful and I'm excited for you!
Don't do any ramps and instead put a hammock above where you have the chube. Instead of a about a fleece tube between the two ledges? Chinnies love their fleece tubes! It looks wonderful and I'm excited for you!

I'd love to do that, but the ramps don't come out! They are wired in! I guess I could try removing them though... hmmm....
I'd love to do that, but the ramps don't come out! They are wired in! I guess I could try removing them though... hmmm....

If they are wired in and the shelves are wire as well...I'd take it all out and replace it with other ledges and perches. I just don't like wire shelves because of the experiences I've had with them though.
I agree with Tab or cover the shelves and ramps with fleece until you can figure something out. Good luck!

P.S. your note on the spot for the future wheel made me chuckle! :p
:hilarious: I love the "Peein' Box"

I totally agree about the fleece tube, my girls all loooooooooooooove their tubes!
If they are wired in and the shelves are wire as well...I'd take it all out and replace it with other ledges and perches. I just don't like wire shelves because of the experiences I've had with them though.

I was planning on covering the ramps with some kind of thin, solid material and covering it with fleece. I'll try and remove the ramps, I've got some wire snippers around here somewhere!

And lol, I chuckled at the "peein' box" too...
You can get some heavy duty snips and cut the ramps and wire platforms out. Definitely can't go wrong with fleece tubes. Love your plan (although IMO you should get another female).
I honestly think a cage with covered ramps would be good once Princess Tia is fully healed from her hip. There are going to be days when jumping is probably gonna just hurt
I agree...for Tia, if she ever makes it to the big cage again, ramps covered in fleece would be great for her.

The normal chins do better without ramps though and I like to use wooden shelves over wire. Not only do you not have to worry about covering them in fleece, feet getting caught, etc. but it provides extra chewing material for the chinnies. My colony cage has a ton of wooden shelves and they stand there and chew on them. Termites! lol
I know he's talking about this cage for a second chin, I just didn't want the ramp idea discounted for future use for Tia :p
Lauralynne - I was planning on getting a female, but that may not happen. Why do you think I should get a female, if I may ask?

Ash - I thought about that, but I don't know if I really want her in a leveled cage at all. It is possible that she will never fully heal, and if that becomes the case, she will never be in a multi-level cage to prevent the risk of falling. I may put a low ledge in her current cage someday, perhaps a tube, but I don't know. I just don't want to risk her rebreaking her pelvis ever. I've seen her in too much pain these past three months to ever let it happen again, accidental or not. In any case, even if she does heal fully, she won't be to the point of a multi-level cage for a very long time.
I suggested female because if Tia gets well enough, perhaps she may be able to share a playtime or something. Just a thought. Not sure if that'd ever be able to happen, though. :)
I suggested female because if Tia gets well enough, perhaps she may be able to share a playtime or something. Just a thought. Not sure if that'd ever be able to happen, though. :)

I don't think it would ever happen... I think another chin might be too rough with her? It depends on the chin, I guess. Thanks for the suggestion though, I appreciate it. :D
a friend to go in with tia would likely be ok if it was a mellow chinchilla. Honeslty my chinchillas for the most part don't spend a whole lot of time chasing each other around. The just snuggle. and once she is fully healed I would think a little exercise would be good. If she doesn't move enough arthritis will kick in. not enough excersise is worse than a little too much
I would also get another girl so that you never have to worry about pregnancy. I have full confidance that you are well informed but with Tia's hip I would hate for an escape to have that result.

I am also happy that you will be rescuing another chinchilla. They are going to be so lucky to have a wonderful papa like you!
I am so excited for you. I know you are going to be a great daddy to both of your babies.
I may put a low ledge in her current cage someday, perhaps a tube, but I don't know. I just don't want to risk her rebreaking her pelvis ever.
When Lily was recovering from stomach surgery (to remove the staple that she swallowed after having her leg amputated) I put a tunnel in that rested on the floor, so she still had the benefit of the tunnel without having to jump up into it. She also had the top for when she felt better. Lily loves her tunnel.