Getting a hedgie soon have questions

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Gotta love chins
Mar 22, 2010
I am getting a hedgehog in 5-6 weeks and have some questions. I want to make sure I know a lot about them before I get one.

I made a C&C cage but dont know what to use for the bottom? bedding? blankets?

What is the best brand of hedgehog food?

What do hedgehogs like to eat besides hedgehog food? Treats?

Can you litter box train a hedgie?

What is the best kind of wheel?

Do they need toys? If so what kind?

Any other info and links would be great! And Im also looking for a name for it. Im not sure if its a boy or girl.
Welcome to Cnh! New hedgies are a blast and waiting for one to get home kinda sucks. But you can occupy your time with lots of research.

There is the search link all of these questions have been asked several times over. Feel free to browse around and get a feel for the place. :thumbsup:

May I ask where you are getting the hedgehog from? And I must demand pictures as soon as you get them!
I am getting one from a breeder. Her hedgehog had the babies 2 nights ago so when they are 2 weeks old she is going to send some pics!!!
awww I'm so excited for you , i am interested in a hedgehog but i will have to wait until i'm a bit older so i dedicate my time to it, and that when i have my own house i can have it in a seperate room then my chinchillas. I'm only 14 so i have to wait awhileee