Gerard: Baby fat or growth spurt or is it all the....

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
Fruits and veggie's I give him :neener: just kiddin! But my baby has gone
through a growth spurt recently. He's a little over 8 months old and within
the last month or so he's gained quite a bit of weight. The fruit's and veggie pics are
way down below although, as I mentioned in chat the other day, I don't
leave the carrot in his cage as he's become a little to *cough* *cough*
friendly with it.

My fatty Gerard...


Get a load of my stinkeye....and look at me getting all excited

Of all the excuses to post pictures... :p

He's just filling in. A lot of male chins do that around his age. They'll be a little skinny and then start putting on muscle and a little fat around their bodies. I think he's about the same age as my Gerard....and he's putting on weight like a crazy little thing, too!
None of my other boys got this big in a short amount of time. Ivory is my biggest boy right now at 925 grams but I don't remember him getting so big quickly but maybe it was also because I didn't give him fruits and veggies either :p.
Awwww, squishy and adorable are you? Love the chinnie salad- what a crazy guy you have there! :)
I just :heart: Gerard! That pic of him with his butt in the air is just too much! His poor fruit and veggies.
Oh yeah, Gerard is super squishy and I can't get that stupid wiggles song out of my head now "fruit salad, yummy, yummy", barf! Anyhow, I need to start using the Flip more because it is hysterical to see him get so excited over the carrot, it's kinda freaky how he backs up into the cage and does handstands over it, lol!
Well, at least I know you're not starving him to death............:)

If I say he's a pretty boy, does that make me a bragger?
Oh my! What a handsome, squishable young chinny he is. :heart:

As for all that fruit & veg........... maybe he's not podgy but full of bloat? :rofl:
omg i love gerard! i love how he poses for you, then is like "omg i cant sit still...MUST handstand!!!"

too cute sandi! and he's quite a chunker. just wanna squeeze him!

lol. im still on the lookout for my own carrot. i wonder if giz will do flips for it. but then again, hes very partial to Banana.
Don't we always hoard the stuff that isn't good for us.

Gerard is so adorable. I wants to squeeze him with cuddles. HEHE!
The handstands crack me up! Ever since I introduced the banana and carrot to Gerard, he's sorta kicked the apple to the curb :(. I feel sorry for his apple now.

OMG but I may have to raise my oxbow prices :rolleyes: cuz this little big dude is eating the other chins out of house and home LOL! And your not bragging Peggy, Gerard is pretty handsome. :heart: