genetic problems from poor breeding

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
We adopted my Lily-Bean from a "backyard breeder" of sorts. We found the add on craigslist, I guess these people just let their male and female play together and every once in awhile they pop out a kit :-( Anyways she had an accident at 3 months old and the vet was convinced that we were going to have to remove her left eye. I didn't want to give up with out a fight so my boyfriend and I gave her hourly medical attention day and night for 3 1/2 months straight. Our persistence paid off and she recovered, needless to say this chin holds a VERY SPECIAL place in my heart.

I've spent a lot of time on this forum sifting through old threads and learning so much about the best ways to care for her and our other chins. I've read several threads about genetic problems that can come from poor breeding, and the worrier in me is starting to get scared that my baby girl is going to suffer from one of these terrible disorders. She's small and a SLOW grower. Her fur also has reddish tints to it and is fairly inconsistent in shading (she's and Eb TOV) which leads me to believe that she probably has poor breeding.

I'm wondering if there is a certain age that disorders like genetic malo and others will occur at? We're counting down to her big 1st birthday (23 days to go!) she's been through so much and I'm just hoping for a long and happy future for her.
You know what: if give her good feed, good hay plenty to chew on. She eats, drinks well, has nice poos and acts her usual self.
The forum is here to teach, learn and share experiences.
Now you know better and what can come from backyard breeding, pet store breeding. You also know now what to watch out for in your animal for possible problems and where to get the help if need be.
So use all this information in a possitive way and don't use it to worry for something that is not there. :0) Enjoy her, for you now have tools for when it is needed.
You know, my husband is obsessed with thinking that our kids are never going to move out of our house... like ever. They are 6 and 9... I'll tell you the same thing I told him ( but mine was kind of cranky when I told him, lol ) .

Do you worry about living the rest of your life paralysed after a car hits you?
Do you worry about how you're going to survive when a volcano/earthquake/tornado/hurricane/mudslide/fire/anything else takes out your home and everything you own?
Do you worry about when you go to outer space?
Do you worry about when a burglar breaks into your home while you're sleeping?

Because these too are all things that can happen, you can't worry about things that haven't happened or you'll make yourself crazy ( like my husband) !

Give her the best you can, and know that she's lucky you love her, that's all we can ever do.

As far as certain ages, there is no certain age, and just because she may have "poor genetics" doesn't guarantee she'll ever get anything, she might live to be the oldest chin in the world. Good diet, clean water, fresh hay, lots of chews and love and you should be able to sleep fine at night knowing you're giving her the best you can.
Yeah, don't worry. Waste of time, For all anybody knows our chins may out live us. Just love 'em and take care of them and know when the time comes to put them to sleep if it's needed.
If you really want to look at it that way then my suggestion would be to appreciate every day she is with you and be genuinely grateful for her presence - sounds corny I know but actually it means you are living with her in the present, appreciating the moments you have with her, and are not worrying about tomorrow. As Riven says, worrying about tomorrow is pointless and it means we never enjoy what we have now. ;)
As everyone said - don't worry about it. The chances she will be fine are high with proper care. Even her color (the red tints) could clear up and go away . ENJOY her !!!
I agree, I would try not to worry about it. While genetic problems typically show up within the first few years--anything can happen, at any time. Just because she hits 4/5 doesn't mean she is "safe"--its a fear we need to live with, with both byb animal AND regular, good quality chins.

Enjoy your girl! If we worried about everything our animals could get, we'd have no time at all to enjoy them.
If you worry then you will not enjoy what time you have. Just enjoy her and deal with issues if they come up. And eb and TOV doesn't mean problems I breed TOV ebs color doesn't usually indicate issues.