Gave my new chin dehydrated strawberries for 8 days

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New member
Jan 27, 2025
New Jersey
Hey all… so I’m worried. I got a new chinchilla (Chico) about two weeks ago he’s about 5-6. I read before on an online forum I could give him dehydrated strawberries so I’ve been giving him some pieces everyday for about 8 days now and now I’m worried because I’m seeing that it could be dangerous!!! Should I be worried? I stopped… his behavior has changed within the past two or three days he is more quiet and reserved and is just hanging in his cage with his back towards me (facing the wall) however, I’m not sure if it’s because of that or because I was cleaning his cage three days ago and he went to go jump from his hammock to his shelf on the door and he fell off and out of the cage. He was walking around though and I let him roam around the house for about 10-15 minutes before putting him back in the cage and then he seemed fine but after just kind of hung around on the bottom of the cage. Also… my chinchilla doesn’t seem to drink any water since I got him? I notice very little missing out of the bottle… is this normal?! Help I’m so worried! I just got pet insurance and it’s not active for another two weeks :/