Gassy Chin! What to feed him?

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
My chin seems to be a bit bloated, but I had him checked out for bloat, he isn't exhibiting any other symptoms either... What can I feed him that will reduce gas? I feed him LifeLine, should that be helping? Does anyone have any recommendations for feed (he is on Mazuri) or treats that will make him less gassy?

Did your vet say he wasn't bloated? What did she say was wrong? She may need to do x-rays to know for sure if it is gas.
I wouldn't give him propulsid if there was no diagnosis of bloat. However, I don't really know the full story on your chin since there have been so many posts about him lately..I haven't been able to keep up. You can give infant's mylicon (simethicone) if you suspect a little bit of gas. You can buy it at Walmart and give a dropper full.
My boy Zeke was bloated a while back and I took him to the vet, she did an x-ray and said he wasn't bloated but I treated him for bloat anyway b/c he was acting very strange: hanging out at the bottom corner of his cage all curled up, stretched out weird when I took him out and and dragged his back end and his sides were abnormally caved. Maybe by the time the vet did the x-ray he had already recovered from the bloat, I don't know. I did give him baby gas drops, tummy massages and made sure he got some exercise such as walking back and forth on the couch. He was back to normal within a day or two.
i agree with everyone else..........infant gas drops, tummy massage, extra time out of the cage and if you can get lifeline, that certainly wont hurt!
also look for bubbles to appear on the poop to actually "see" the gas passing. my vet once told me that was a good sign.
i usually just grab a book or magazine and sit in the bathroom with my chin for at least 30 minutes a couple times a day and let him hop around and then i inspect each & every poo! only you guys would understand and deem this behavior normal. ;)
i usually just grab a book or magazine and sit in the bathroom with my chin for at least 30 minutes a couple times a day and let him hop around and then i inspect each & every poo! only you guys would understand and deem this behavior normal.

Yes, this is normal for chin people... :) I admit it, I've done this exact same thing before...more than once.
Thanks guys, yeah Furby got sick a ways back and he just seems to develop different problems. He isn't worse or anything, but it's bizarre, yeah. I did take him to a vet and she said, no he didn't have bloat. And he really isn't exhibiting any of the other signs that I've read it goes along with, like lethargy, or loss of appetite, overall uncomfortable-looking posture... He's very active and eats a decent amount. I've stopped giving him treats as well to see if that will help and giving him LifeLine. I plan on taking him in for an X-Ray. I will also try the infant drops. Thanks guy! Sorry for so many posts, this little guy is just a mega-handful.