future hedgie mommy

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Jan 1, 2010
Hi everyone, I will be rescuing a hedgehog from the texan exotic animal dealer coup. I don't know when exactly Marcel will get here, but I think I have at least a few weeks to a month. I've been researching like crazy and want to make his transition as comfortable as possible and I have a few questions (for now. I'm sure I will think of more and post them accordingly).

Food: when I was doing preliminary research a few months ago to see if I really wanted a hedgie, I came across a website that suggested Mazuri insectivore diet. I said, ok, they eat bugs, perfect. But upon reading the ingredients, it is full of chicken byproducts, not bugs! So, I'm wondering, is this food ok? If not, is cat food better? People post about combinations of food. What do you use (I've heard good things about chicken soup for the cat lovers soul)? What nutrition needs are you trying to cover (in %) and how can I make my own combination and be sure to accomplish this? Also, how long after Marcel comes home should I start switching his food? My instinct is to wait a bit to minimize the stress, but what say you?

Wheel: I ordered a cake walk wheel because it seems to be the cadillac of hedgie wheels, but I know the seller had some health problems which led to slower orders. Is he back on track now? If not, should I buy an interim wheel or will Marcel be ok without for a little while until his sweet ride arrives?

Water: Do you prefer a dish or a hanging bottle thing?

Heating: I want to use a CHE but I don't know what wattage is best. Also, are thermostats readily available or should I be ordering one online?

Lighting: What kind of lighting will Marcel need? When I am asleep and he's awake, does he need his own nightlight or should it be dark?

Burrowing: I plan to use fleece liners, so he will need a place to burrow. Will a kleenex box with the top cut off and stuffed with fleece scraps work? What do you use?

Thank you in advance for your answers!
hi! I think I can answer some of the questions, but not all of them, if that helps you!

For water I gave my hedgie a hanging water bottle and a ceramic bowl but he seemed to be a little more comfy with the bowl. Yours may be different though! the ceramic bowl seems like a universal choice for all hedgies though!

I leave my light off when I go to sleep because since hedgies are nocturnal I assume they'd like it better when its dark and whatnot when they are playing around. Their eyesight is pretty weak anyways so it probably doesn't matter. Mine tends to come out and eat and play more often when its dark in my room.

I use fleece liners too! Before I got a plastic igloo, I just used what you said. I cut off part of a kleenex box and just put fleece in there. Mine really liked it! The deeper the burrowing space was, the better he liked it I think. I use an igloo now, because its a little easier to maintain but there's really no difference!

I don't use a heater because my room is pretty good for my hedgie (a consistent 22C), but I use a warm water bottle sometimes after he gets a bath so he doesn't catch a cold.
I'm not sure about the wheel though! Sorry!
I use royal canin kitty food, but I'm switching to adult food soon. I don't use a combination, but its really your choice. The food really does give them a lot of stress, so I would be careful about the switching.
Thats all I can help you with I think! Good luck! =)
Hi! I'm a brandnew hedgie owner as well, but I may be able to help a little. From what I've read, the wattage of your CHE will vary based on your cage size, but a 150 watt one seems to be about average for a 5 sq foot cage... anyone can jump in here if I'm wrong lol.
I have a really large cage (9 sq feet), so we have a space heater, plus a 150 watt CHE hooked into a thermostat.

I would find a different wheel for your hedgie for a while, because it seems like the CWS wheels are still back ordered. I wouldn't leave him without a wheel though. Hedgies need to be able to run or they can get depressed and stop eating. :)
I don't know how long ago you order the wheel, and I'm not an experience paypal user (don't even have an account), but if there is a way to get your money back and want to go that route.... there is someone who is making similar wheels.

I don't know them, or even what their wheels are like, but she has been posting to Hedgehog Central advertising them. http://www.dormanexotics.com/store.html

Hedgehogs that don't have a wheel get bored. Bored hedgehogs can absolutely destroy a cage (over turn bowls, push bedding around, etc). They really do require a wheel in their cage not just for exercise but to keep them entertained.

Not all hedgehogs will burrow. Two of my current three will not burrow unless they are bored (Poptart will) or their sleeping bed has gotten dirty (feces got dragged in on a foot). For Poptart I have a plastic igloo filled with pieces of fleece (cut in various sizes). When she feels the need to burrow she now burrows into that igloo instead of under her cage liners.

Lighting: My hedgehogs like it completely dark, no nightlight, when they are playing. I keep a lamp with a full spectrum bulb on during the day to ensure they get 12 hrs of day time though.

Water: Definitely a bowl. Many many years ago I had one break a tooth trying to get water from a water bottle. Drinking from a bowl is a natural position for them.