fur slip on tail???

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
my boyfriend saw this last night on spike. he is caged with 2 males but they dont fight that we are aware of.... does anyone know why this happened? is it a fur slip?? or a health concern??

That's a fur slip. It looks like he was picked up with a heavy hand by the tail. When I first started grooming my chins, I would pick them up and put pressure on their tail by my thumb in a grip which would cause their fur on their tail to slip. He could have also slipped fur on anything in the cage.
Someone could be a fur chewer-I have one that the tail looks like that because his cage mate chews his tail like corn on the cob.
he doesnt pick up spike by his tail , he told me that today... so im going to guess it got caught or someone is chewing. we will watch it to see if it progresses. thank you