fur loss

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:)hiya i need some advice please,one of my chins has suddenly loss of fur on her back,she got a bald patch,there no scratches or other marks round that area,she share cage with my other girl and ive never had any problems with them,they been together a while now,could they be fighting at night when im not about,theres no marks or any fur loss on my other chin,or could there be some other reason for this,its really strange,cant get pics on here at mo as my bluetooth has packed on so waiting on another to arrive,any advice would be most grateful
If the skin is normal-looking, and there's no redness or splotching, she could have just 'slipped' some fur - not really normal, but it happens.
If there's shorter hair left - the other could have chewed her, or she herself did - watch her, and if gets larger or continues in the same spot, let us know!
Pictures would be good, too!