Fur loss

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Jul 25, 2010
I noticed a couple of days ago that my chin (Pika) is missing some fur. On each of his sides he is missing a big chunk of fur. I am the only one who handles him and I never grab at him (I always use a "scoop" motion to pick him up.) He hasn't lost any fur while I've held him, but I have noticed some some on his fleece liners. What would be the reason it's missing? Is he molting? I've had him since July 2010 and haven't seen this before.
Could you post pictures?
I don't have any experience, but I'm sure someone here can help you farther with pictures.

EDIT: Laura beat me. :neener:
Looks to me like he is fur chewing. Has he had any environmental changes at all?

Sometimes chins chew their fur when they are stressed, bored, out of habit, or no reason at all.
No, he has had his own room for about 4 months now and I keep check on the temp cause of crazy GA weather. But nothing has changed since I've got him. He could possibly be bored as he doesn't get as much playtime as he used too :( But still he gets out every other night. Is there any way to prevent him from chewing his fur? Is it okay if he does?
I did lower his dust bathing to 3 times a week, seeing as that was recommended times. He was bathing 5 times a week D: Could this be a possible reason?
It's possible that dry skin from too many baths made him itch and chew the areas that are itching. You may never know for sure why he started, but hopefully, less dusting will help.
I can't see any skin. There's still quite a bit of fur there, just not as fluffy as it should be.