fur chewing

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I am doing some research on the causes of fur chewing in chinchillas and other animals, in hopes to (most likely years from now) find a cure. If you have a fur chewer you might be able to help. I need just a few answers to the following questions: Was this chin always a fur chewer? Is there a given point where they became a fur chewer, such as the on set of puberty, wheaning, excape from a cage, a stress full event? Did the parents chew? Does or did the fur chewer have a breeder coller on, did the mother? Have you noticed other things about the chins behavior that seem a little o.c.d, like running on a wheel, bar/cage chewing, goint to the bathroom in one place? thank you for your time
from Julia
Hi Julia, I have a chewer here, so i'll try and answer.

Was this chin always a fur chewer?

He has been since I have owned him, as he was rehomed as a pet only chewer, but he does not chew regularly, only when moved, or re-paired initally

Is there a given point where they became a fur chewer, such as the on set of puberty, wheaning, excape from a cage, a stress full event?

I believe he was under 1 when he first chewed, He chews when he is moved to a different cage/introduced to a new Chin. So it is certainly stress related

Did the parents chew?

No, Neither of them ever have, the parents were bred by one of the top uk breeders, he has a pedigree (although I do not have it so that the information can't be passed on for breeding)

Does or did the fur chewer have a breeder coller on, did the mother?

No, and No. When I bought him home, he chewed his tail a little on the first night, and a bit more on the second. He then hasn't chewed since.

Have you noticed other things about the chins behavior that seem a little o.c.d, like running on a wheel, bar/cage chewing, goint to the bathroom in one place?

Not at all, he's a normal social little boy who doesn't even act nervous. It is a mystery as to why he chews when moved; especially as he promptly never does it again.