Fur Chewing Baby?

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May 18, 2013
My ebony male and standard female had a little ebony baby about a week ago. The hair on her tail didnt seem to be growing right, and I thought not much of it. Now I am seeing that there is a semi bald spot on her back left and I am not sure if she's chewing her fur or if her mother is. Maybe its not even fur chewing but she isn't gaining much weight each day.
It sounds like the mother is over grooming the kit. As long as she is not causing any injuries, It is not a problem. The kit may look like crap until it is weaned, but it won't hurt her. Keep an eye on it though. If she begins to injure the kit, you will need to take the kit from her and raise it yourself.
Thank you. She is growing at the same rate as the other babies and the only difference is that she's slightly more shy than the rest but that could be because she was an only child maybe?