Fur Chewer's future

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Feb 1, 2009
San Antonio
Ok. So Shadow is a fur chewer. Well, one of the big boys is chewing his fur. He has a mohawk on his booty. It's kinda cute. Any way, my question is this: What do I need to do now? Is this going to become life threatening or is it just annoying to have a goregeous black velvet look like a gremlin from behind?:wacko: He's a sensative littl guy, and doesn't handle change well. I may be able to move the cage upstairs, away from the dog, but he chewed well before my dog got here...He won't be able to handle being split from Moche, at least I don't think so, they're velcroed together most of the time:kiss:. And they get an hour of play time five times a week. Lots of hay and twigs. :banghead: Any advice? Do I need to try to cure this, or just live with it?
Worst comes to worst, you'll have a cage full of chewed chins. The one that does the chewing sometimes ends up chewing his friends as well.

They will be fine. I know of several people who have fur chewers and they get along in life just like their other chins. I heard someone say once that it shortened their lifespan, but I'm not real sure how they proved that, so I don't know if I believe it.
Unless he is fur chewing to the point where he is hurting himself I wouldn't worry about it. I have had two fur chewers and they both lived normal lives, aside from missing hair!
Fur chewing is all about the visual affect, if your not showing and not breeding then having a pet that fur chews isn't a big deal. It is probably prefered if they didn't but again it is all about the way they look
No he's just a pet. I don't mind the way he looks, but I will keep an eye out to make sure it stops at shaving, no bodily harm. Thanks for the input. I'll have to try and get a picture of the mohawk. It's funny.