Funny Chin Run

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Nancy S

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
My 2 chin boys, pepper and coconut did the funniest thing.
I had put extra "dust" in their chin bath in their playroom. (to note: i'm
switching them to blue cloud dust). So it was quite a bit of dust and they
got it "ALL" over the playroom. Well, i went down to play with them and
of course they always do the "who's the boss ride!!" hehe...Well, anyway
pepper pulled a fast one on coconut;when coconut was on him, Pepper
ran with him and hit the dust and slide into the "Timothy Hay Tunnel" and
knocked Coconut right off the top of him!!he he. It truly was comical how
Pepper took action and then just "sat in the tunnel"--as if to say--"Top
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