funny antics at bathtime

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Aug 4, 2010
Brighton, MA
Ham is so funny. Whenever I give him his dust house, he rolls around for a few seconds but pretty soon will just sit in there with his head poking out, like he's soaking himself in it. Then he flips around head first and starts digging frantically! Is he actually trying to get the dust out of his house? When I got him, his previous owner just kept the dust house in there all the time so he was accustomed to using it as a hidey home. Any other chin diggers out there?
My chins dig all the time, Lola is weird though because she digs on her house not in the sand lol and i swear when she does do her roll she purposely flicks her sand out. Dotty will roll around in her sand and shake off in her cage and then rub her face in the dropped sand on the shelves. I think its just one of the little quirky things that chinchillas do :D
All of mine will dig in their dust. It's just a chinny thing. It probably goes back to instinct. They probably did some digging in the wild to get enough loose dust to bathe in.
rutherford does this all the time. he'd make sure he's all dusty and make dusty paw prints all over his cage before returning back to take a short nap inside his dust bowl. and if he sees stray dust on his shelf, he'd roll on his back on the sand. sometimes he'd accidentally tumble and fall, fortunately, it's always on the lower shelf so he picks himself right up and do it again.
Pepper dusts, hops out, shakes off, then trys to dust in what she just shook off. I always end up with little dusty foot prints on my work pants because she loves to climb all over me after bathtime