Fungus or just fur loss?

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I came home last night to find Koda was missing some fur around his nose. It doesn't look red or dry, but I am paranoid about fungus. He doesn't really stick his nose through the bars much. I took some pictures...any thoughts?


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It looks like it is just fur loss, but I would put a little something on there just to be safe. ;)
I have never dealt with fungus, have only seen pics, but it looks like fur slip to me. I would also put something on it or add fungicide powder to his dust bath just to be safe though.
looks like he rubbed the fur off. If its not red and crusty or dry, flaky like, it is probably not fungus
Thanks everyone- I didn't think it was fungus either but like I said I'm paranoid and wanted to get some other's opinions. I went ahead and put a dab of blu-kote on it just in case.