Fuming mad....

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
I am looking for a guinea pig to add to my pets. I think my granddaughter would enjoy interacting with a guinea pig. She always wants to hold a chinnie but I put the chinnie on her lap, holding the chinnies tail for about 30 seconds and that's about all the chinnie will tolerate. So.........

I went to a local pet shop to look and see what they have. There was an adorable smooth haired solid tan guinea pig and a swirly haired tan, agouti and white guinea pig caged together. One was a male, one was a female and the female was obviously pregnant. The store owner said she thought it was pregnant and it certainly was very round in the belly. She said to me they can get pregnant very young, at about 6 weeks (I don't know if that's true or not) but then she said because the babies are born fully furred with teeth and everything they don't really need to nurse but she let's the babies stay with the mom for about 3 days then sells them when they are 7 days old. Now, I know nothing about breeding and raising guinea pigs but that can't be right!!! I was pretty upset and returned the guinea pigs to their cage and left. Any advice on what, if anything I should do to help these guinea pigs?
You know the answer Carol, there is nothing you can do to help them. Buying them would only entice them to produce more. Check for rescues!

Cavies I believe are usually weaned at 3-4 weeks old, and they can get pregnant very early, as early as 4 weeks old has been reported.
Maybe just go in there and advise them that they can't be separated that early and sold that early, and tell them what the correct amounts of time are. And ask them to separate the male and the female. Course, I find that to be common sense, and if they don't, then who knows if they'll listen, but it's worth a shot...
Definitely look around for a cavy/guinea pig rescue in your area, or even scope out your local craigslist. MOST pet store pigs have URI, mites, lice, scurvy, are pregnant (females that is), or all of the above! Given that this is possible even from craigslist.. at least you will basically be saving a piggy instead of purchasing one from a pet store, where they will just replace it in a few days. It's very hard to resist buying one from them, in an attempt to "save" it - but like I just said, they will just replace it with another poor piggy. :(

Guinea pigs are weaned and sexually active at 21 days, so if the male is not removed from any female pigs he lived with (mother, sisters, etc), then he can impregnate ALL them, including the other 21 day old females, any time/day after 3 weeks. Is it possible to report your pet store for this? Weaning at 3 days old IS WAY TOO YOUNG. Plus the fact they are probably not getting their daily 1 1/2 cups of veggies, those pigs are probably sick!

They also do best in pairs or even small groups with other piggies of the same sex as they are herd animals (females usually tend to get along better than males), so if you are considering getting one, think about getting two.
I am a sucker. I would go get the pregnant piggie. I know they would replace it but That is why I avoid pet stores.
The lady at the store I'm sure knows that they can not nurse for only 3 days and then be ready to be weaned and sold. But, maybe she really is that ignorant and doesn't know a thing about them. In a nice way, I'd let her know that you did some research and learned that it's improper to wean them that early and it's probably a good idea for their safety not to mix the males and females. It probably won't do you any good, but it'll make ya feel better I'm sure. More than likely the women knows better and just doesn't care. But at least you know you spoke up. Just in case she really doesn't know.
Guinea pigs, like chins, are born eyes open, fully furred and raring to go. They may start nibbling on food at a few days old, but still nurse. We wean and separate by sex at 3 weeks.

We have no issues keeping males together and have lots of bonded male pairs. Guinea pigs are herd animals and love to be in large groups.

Run like heck away from that store. You may save the female but it will only put money in their pockets and make room for more guinea pigs to replace her. The cycle will never stop with that store. Look for a rescue in your area, check shelters, you could even look on CraigsList for a same sex pair of guineas.
Okay, I think I want two girlie pigs, now. I'm in contact with Tawana to possibly get a couple of guinea pigs from her shelter. My local shelter right now has a bonded pair of males but I will keep an eye on their website to see what may come along in the future. They do have an absolutely adorable, very large eared albino rabbit that I wouldn't mind having! I absolutely fell in love holding those guinea pigs at the pet store. They were so calm and content in my arms. I've been wanting pigs for a while and I just couldn't convnce Menagerie to pack a couple in a flat rate box and send them to me. Or to just let two out the door heading East and they'd show up on my doorstep.