Full moon?

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Mar 30, 2012
So my chins are acting very strange tonight. I can't figure out what is making them so skittish, but they are being very uncharacteristically jumpy. I'm just worried because they tend to run into solid objects in their cage when they get scared and they can set each other off when one "flees" the other one does too.

Nothing I can perceive is environmentally different tonight, but I'm like waiting for an earth quaker or something equally strange to go with their anxiety.

Anyone else have chinchillas with PMS? (lol of course they are male too) Anything I can do or less common stressors I may just not be noticing??? (Again I haven't changed anything in the room...)
I have noticed some people and animals react when there is a full moon. My male cat used to meow his heart out outside whenever a full moon was up. The people at my moms work, a home for people with alzheimer's, act much diffrently on full moon nights too.

I think it would be a safe and wise idea to take out some of the things in there cage, at least until they calm down. You don't want them to get hurt!

Is there any thing differnt going on in your house lately, or even outside? My chin gets all puffed up and anxious whenever she here's the construction pepole working down the street.
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I can't hear anything going on, but they seem to know when someone is at the door before they knock so who knows? No construction or anything and I'm in an apt complex of med and dental students so it's always pretty quiet. So strange! I guess I'm just not going to move too much tonight because I don't want to startle them anymore than they have to themselves :x
Since the last full moon was a week ago...
There could have been something outside all day making noise that set them on edge, or it could be a negative feedback loop where your tension is setting them off and you being concerned about them is making you more nervous...
I heard about someone using one of those electric whole house pest deterrent deals in a duplex where one of my customers lived...right in the unit next to hers. It made her chinchilla really moody and act anxious, very suddenly. Somehow she found out about it and had the neighbor unplug it and the chin started acting normal again. I wonder if it could be something like that.
Yeah, I didn't actually check the moon schedule it was just an arbitrary connection for animals and nature lol. Could be a feedback loop I suppose, but if it is they started it! lol :) hopefully this is just a one night thing so I don't have to go knock on doors asking about scam pest control products lol
My horse always acted a bit spooky and jumpy when there was a storm coming in. Any weird weather patterns on the horizon for the next 24-48 hours?
thunder storm tomorrow and sunny 80s the rest of the week. Warm but pretty typical. I sat next to the cage with the door open and they appear to be a bit better now. lil lazy puff balls lol I love how they sit back on their heels and make a small ball :) and I think Zeke is an emotional eater because when he freaks and runs to the back of the cage he always picks up either a piece of wood or hay and starts munching.

Seriously, chinchillas could not be cuter if they tried...