Fruits and Chinchillas

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Oct 17, 2010
Yesterday I was eating some grapes and letting my boys run around when Echo, (my white ebony) came up, pulled a grape out of my hand and began eating it. He's a little brat!:laughitup: I pulled it away from him, and gave him a quarter of a piece to finish. He loved it! I also bit into another grape to give my other little boy, Hades, but he wanted nothing to do with it. I've tried giving him apples as well, but he doesn't eat those either. Are there any other fruits I can give him? I wanted to try to give him a pomegranate seed, (It'd be funny if he lives up to his name of the God of the underworld...Look up the story if you don't know it! =D ) but I don't know if it would be dangerous to give him. Anyone have a list of fruits I can try? Echo is a little hog and eats everything, but I wanted to try to make Hades happy as well. If he likes one certain fruit, I'll buy more of those with him in mind. Thanks =)

Also I'm going to post pictures of them that way you guys know what my boys look like. :)
Gee wiz thanks for the input! I have three different chinchilla books and all three said fruit was okay, so I just assumed. No more fruits for my boys, I'll take your advice over those books. Thanks =)
Yes, those Animal Planet books (among others) all suggest it. Why, I have no idea. :hair: I bought the same books, but luckily I found this forum before following that advice. What's important is now that you know, only offering the safe things. :)
Same thing happened to me at first. I read THREE different books that actually insisted fresh fruits and vegetables were ESSENTIAL to a chin's diet, and my chin would actually be unhealthy without them *shakes head*
Thank god for this forum!!
it is too bad there is so much conflicting information out there. It really is hard to know what is good info vs. bad. This forum has a lot of longtime chin owners, and they really know the best care for their chins. I would definitely take advice from chin owners on this forum over a book or petstore.

No fruits or veggies. Applesticks, hay, and for treats used sparingly cheerios, plain shredded wheat, rosehips, chin cookies...there is more. Try the search engine for approved food and treats.
Yeah... It is a real bugger that there is so much wrong information out there. But now you know!! :D