Four Month Old Chinchillas

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Jul 10, 2012
Hello everyone:

I would like thoughts regarding playtime and handling for four month old Chinchillas.

I wouldn't leave them out for hours at a time, I doubt they are used to it. They are still growing and need their calories and energy for that. It wouldn't hurt to let them out for 15 minutes two or three days a week to start and then gradually up it from there.

As far as handling them, if they are okay with it there's no reason you can't. If it's a constant struggle, chasing them, them constantly fighting to get away, then they most likely aren't very interested in being handled. There aren't very many chins who really are. Sometimes you just have to enjoy Chinavision rather than constantly being hands o.
I have read many people that say chins do not particularly like being held, but if it is done enough they will learn to tolerate it. Will they hate me for it?

Is there truth there?

Playtime mine have wheels in the cages.

Handling I handle mine when they are 1st born. From breeders that are one to two years I will hold them about a week after they get adjusted to their new homes. I offer them shredded wheats and sticks to gain their trust.
So I should wait a week to try and hold them?

Should I also wait a week for playtime?

Unfortunately, people think because chins are cute, that cute = cuddly. Not so much. Whether they will learn to "tolerate" it or not isn't the issue. It's whether they like it or whether they are comfortable with it. I suppose I could learn to tolerate standing outside in 110 degree weather in the hot sun, but would I enjoy it? Not even close.

You'll learn to read your chins. They may enjoy being held (not clutched or mauled) for short periods of time, maybe even longer, or maybe not at all. Every chin is different and has their own unique personality. But what it sounds like you were told is that if you force them to do something they don't like, they'll get over it and tolerate it. I'm not sure I agree with that philosophy.

Wheel wise, I would not give a wheel to a four month old chin - again - going back to the calories and energy needed to grow. When they are a bit older it would be okay if that's what you wanted to do, but chins don't HAVE to have a wheel to be happy either.
I agree with much of what's been said. Chinchillas can learn to tolerate a lot of things, doesn't mean they'll enjoy those things. Chinchillas are very social creatures and very individual in their personalities. I've seen chinchillas that just HAD to be on you, HAD to be handled, HAD to be a part of what you were doing. Others, not agressive, but could care less who you are other than the fact you were feeding them. It goes back to the nature v. nurture debate. I truly believe it's a larger portion nature for this particular issue as I've seen it all too often. Chins from certain LINES, regardless of their handling...don't want bothered. Chins from other lines, regardless of their handling...much more social with their people. Can it help to get them used to you? Of course it can. Will it help if you force them? Doubtful. Take thing slow, let them get used to you in the normal way (not necessarily HOLDING them) and see how it goes...nice and slow.

As for wheels, I would not personally offer a chinchilla under 10mos one. Most people say 6mos I think. Why? Why 6mos? Most chinchillas are NOT full grown at that point. Sure, they're a majority grown, but I like my animals to reach their full potential. Furthermore, it isn't going to hurt anything to hold off a bit longer but it COULD stunt growth if offered to soon. Error on the side of caution.