for those that use fleece liners

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
hi everyone!!! i currently use bedding but I am planning on switching to fleece liners when i get my FN...i had a few questions for those that have any experience with liners

1. i am planning on putting a litter pan...with some soiled bedding mixed with fresh bedding...hopefully as a way to get her to pee in the pans...i plan on separating the cage into 2 levels to prevent any falling injuries...and i plan on having one litter pan per that enough?
2. can u actually train a chinchilla to use a litter pan??? my litter girl loves to pee on any soft bed :banghead: her cage she pees mostly in a few spots...but she also pees on occasion when she is out of her cage for playtime in the exact same matter how many times ive bleached or disinfected them...most times she will go back into her cage to pee though
3. do they pee on the liners ??? if so do they do it often? or more frequent? if they are peed on do u remove them right away or once a week??? what is the smell like lol??? (im asking more for my parents lol)
4. is there a special detergent that is suppose to be used for fleece items???

any help is appreciated...thanks :)
1.)I only have one pan, period, in each of my girls cages. They go to it when they need to go.

2.) Yes you can. Some take to it right away but from what you said I would put the pan in one of the spots she usually goes and put some of the soiled bedding in it so she gets the point.

3.) Petra will on rare occasion peep on her liner. I usually don't even know until I take the liner out and see the 'crusty" spot on the back. They don't pee any more often then usual just because there is a liner. I, use a litter pan that I dump every other day, I shake the liners of poo and such everyday, and I wash the liner one a week. That sounds like a lot of work but it take all of 2 mins. And No smell.

4.) No, I usually just use whatever I am using for my own laundry. I've also used a dash of frebreeze or vinegar.

Hope that helps!
1.) I don't use pans so I guess whatever you think is best. I don't think it really matters, you can do one on each level. I've avoided using pans just because I know of a few chins of mine that would take great pleasure in dumping the shavings on the liner, and I know that would be a hassel to clean off.

2.) I have heard of a select few have some chins that will just use the litter pan, but most chins just go where they please.

3.) Yep mine pee on the liners. Usually not a lot in one week, I mean it's not soaking wet. Though you can smell it after the week, so sometimes it's better to change them earlier than that.

4.) No special detergent. Just make sure you rinse out the detergent very well. Also, do not use any fabric softeners as that will affect the absorbancy of the liners. Personally, I use Tide Coldwater, extra rinse, and then another cycle with nothing but water to really make sure it's rinsed out. Then I dry them on "air fluff."
wow what would i do without you guys lol!!! thanks so much for the will definitely be an experience at the beginning lol!!! :)
Also, since fleece is a synthetic, it will dry relatively quickly if you line dry.
Just attesting to what everyone else said. I don't use any litter pans so mine only pee on the liners. I change them every 3 days and agree with EveningChin about the dash of vinegar. Using vinegar when I wash seems to completely get rid of any smell. I've never noticed the liners to be wet when I take them out to wash them. But, mine are very absorbent because of the towel I use in between the fleece layers.

I'm sure you'll love liners!
Another thread similar to this's my $.02 that I put on the other thread.

I love fleece liners personally. I have 2 mosaics and don't notice any messiness or whatever. I do put a little bit of bedding in a metal cake pan, in the corners of both levels and they do mostly pee in them (which is nice.) Not always, but most of the time.

I just like being able to rotate the liners out and wash them will little to no mess. I wash them every 4 days or so depending on how they start looking, etc. I was in a no dye, no fragrance, eco-friendly detergent and a splash of vinegar and they come out smelling fantastic. And mine have the industrial velcro that attaches to the bottom of the pans which is also nice!

BellaBella (Jen) on here made my liners for me and I love them. They are layered so they are more absorbent and she does a fantastic job. :D
Well, the 1 or 2 pan thing is kind of up to whether you have two pans you can use/how much litter you want to have to change/etc. If you use 2 pans and find only one is being used, you can remove the other, or if you only use one and find that your chin pees elsewhere, you could add another.

If she already pees in certain spots, she's already somewhat trained; it's natural for animals to designate certain spots in their living area for the potty. Now it's just a matter of putting a pan in her pee spot. I've only been using my liners 2 weeks now, but my chin doesn't seem to be using her litter pan much, so I assume she's peeing on the liner.. Anyway, my liners are 2-layer, and I haven't noticed any smell leaving the liner in for 4-5 days. It does have the peed on feel when I take it out to wash it though, LOL

And no, as textiles go, fleece is very forgiving. I use the same detergent I use for my own, it's fragrance/coloring free because I have sensitive skin, and I do an extra rinse.
ok thanks for all the advice everyone...i really appreciate it!!! :)

sorry about another thread of the same topic...i noticed after lol!!! you guys are the best though...thanks for taking the time to reply!!