For people who use storage bin cages...

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Well, I have two short questions for those who made their cages with storage bins, I'll make this quick. The first question is, out of curiosity, what brand did you use for your bins, and the second question is, what size were they ( as in
L x W x H )? Thanks in advanced.
I don't have one but I think rubbermaid is the most recomended brand. As far as the dimensions, no less than 2 square feet. To find that, you multiply the side lengths (in inches), and divide it by 144. Keep in mind that 2 feet is the absolute minimum the bin should be. If you inend to make one, Cimredolph has turned just a few platic bins into a hedgie mansion and I'm sure he would be happy to give you some tips. Sorry Cimredolph for voluneering you off like that but you were really creative in your cage!
My Sterilite bin is 13" by 27" on the floor. About 15" high.

It's a little bigger than the minimum, but I also supplement with a hedgie play-pen.
sterilite is the brand of my hedgie's cage.
it is nice and sturdy, easy to see through, and was easy to drill holes in for ventilation.
i would get the largest size that you can.
I'm thinking the cage is on the smallish side, now that I keep putting more and more in it, so thats why I'm wanting to make a new cage. Building it is going to be the easy part, right now my mom is totally against using Sterilite bins to make this cage, and she can't give me a reason, whenever I try to talk about it she just tells me "I'm obsessed"... this is getting... frustrating. :hair:

Ok editing this, because I finally got through to her, she wants to see picture examples of these cages.
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I totally understand... it took months of convincing to get my parents to let me buy a hedgehog. Then when I wanted to buy all of these upgrades such as the Ferret Nation and high quality foods, they would tell me to get off of it. It is my money I was spending but for once they were telling me to buy something I want instead of something for Hot Dog. I tried to convince them to let me get more stuff for her but they said I was spending way to much money on her. Right now, I want ceramic food dishes, a bucket wheel, and a scale but my parents are still mad at me for spending all of my money. So to sum it all up... SOMEONE GET PICS OF AN AWSOME STERLITE BIN CAGE NOW!
I woud actually like to use Cimredolph's set ups (old and new) as a couple of examples (if thats okay with her of course), and see what else I could find over the goold ol' google, It would be awesome for Aiko, but I can really relate to you on the money spending, I've been doing that but now I'm not allowed to keep messing with the thermostat anymore, everyone's getting sick of a toasty house (except for me that is, I love it) so I have to get him a ceramic heater, but I think that would be easy because thats pretty important.