For Brittney... Quick pic of Charlie...

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
I tried to PM a picture to you, but either I can't do that or I just don't know how!

Tonight I had Charles out in the pouch so I snapped a picture of him...

I know, not terribly exciting but I figured you need all the distraction you can get right about now. :)

(Charles/Charlie is a rescue boy, who came in a few months ago. He's doing great. Normally I have chin(s) in a pouch(es) that I carry around with me when I do my chores with the chins. Charlie wanted to be in a pouch tonight for a bit!)

He looks so funny with his fur all messed up and his earsies back! :D


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ohhh Is a pouch like a fanny pack sorta thing? And you just carry them around in there?

I've been trying to get Sesame to jump on my back so we can take a small stroll around the room during playtime... hmm.... maybe this is something I can try out with the extra fleece I have. Need something to spice up playtime for the both of us!

Do you have a better picture of the pouch?
It's more like a purse with a strap that you can put around your neck and sort of wear it as a necklace or crossed around your body so that the little purse part hangs at your hip.

I just have the chins jump in the pouch...some of them will, some I have to put in there myself. For the most part they just stay in there. There's something about chins that they love little soft enclosed places...and they love to just ride in the pouch that way. The pouches I have are fleece and I swear by them. Taming rescues is extremely easy when I use them. I think it's because they are very comfortable in there and feel safe. It's better than forcing them to be held, and it really calms them down.

I need to take a picture sometime. :)
He's just so cute! I was about to say, if he likes the pouch, I am allowed to take pets to class with me, but that might be a little much, even for my clingy little Bryson :)
There's something about chins that they love little soft enclosed places...

Yeah!! Sesame loves to huddle underneath her shammock. The way she rubs her head and huddles her body understand is similar to little kid with their baby blanket.

She gets very angry when we grab her tail to pick her up (she gets into a kacking fit). I'm going to try and make this pouch when I have time and give this idea a whirl. It seems to be a nice, more passive way to pick the chin up when the situation is more playful, not so urgent.
She gets very angry when we grab her tail to pick her up (she gets into a kacking fit).

Is it ok to pick up a chin by it's tail? I haven't done that but could be easier when he escapes and I am trying to grab him.
When you grab a chin by the tail, you have to make sure you hold the base of the tail, and not the tip.

Azchins, I used to have a pouch like this for my sugarglider. It's really cute!
GENTLY pick up chins by the tail. Sometimes it's the only way to pick up a chin. I'm so used to doing it that I don't even notice anymore. I feel so bad when I pick up a chin by the tail around someone, who isn't used to it!

A lot of chins get very angry about being picked up at all!

The pouch is great for chins that get all worked up about being handled. It instantly calms them down. I'd say 8 out of 10 will stay in the pouch. Chins like Ty, he's a seven year old light tan boy, don't want to stay in the pouch because they have to be out to see what I am doing.

Charlie loves the pouch. He's just such a good boy. He shouldn't be a good boy, it's amazing how some chins are just naturally good and sweet. After a couple of days of being here he was happy and playful but so well behaved! I should just keep him... :p
I do pick Sesame up by the tail, but she's just gets so huffy about it, that we only do it when it's necessary. Pick the chin up right at the very base of the tail (where it meets the body). Pick the chin up firmly as well, as in, be confident in what you're doing. I feel like animals can sense if you're afraid of doing something to them, and thus, that makes them feel more uneasy about it.
I'd like to see a picture of this pouch, I find it so interesting. Doesn't it cause them to over heat? I think its such an interesting idea because they don't usually like to be held but this allows them to get used to the movement, smell, and sounds of your body while being safe in a nice fuzzy place.

Nyx and Pia really don't mind being picked up by the tail. It doesn't even phase them. But Petra is evil about it. I almost never pick her up that way unless I absolutely have too. She barks and screams and thrashes about (this is where I usually almost cry) abd then she slips the fur around the base of her tail. I've only done it twice and it was very traumatic for both of us.
I carry them around sometimes in the pocket of my hoodie. They love to hide in there, just have to be sure not smoosh them as you move around the house doing your business. It's really cute, they pop their heads out and look around and then snuggle back in (coarse you end up with a pocket full of poo). Never thought of using a pouch, I had pouches for the gliders and guess the same taming methods could be useful for both.