For all you chin owners out there! Chins & Playtime...

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My chinchilla always loves playtime, although she doesnt like me picking her up to take her there... she always sqeauks and runs around the cage in circles before I finally get her! Once there, she throughly enjoys the free time and when its over, she doesnt like me taking her back to her cage as always... But when she finally get back in her cage, shes like a new chin! Shes so hyper! She will just bounce around in circles and she wont even let me pet her... she just leaps away! I was just wondering if your chinchilla does that after playtime? Is this normal and if so why does she do this? Is it cause she thinks I will pick her up again? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like she's just being a chin. She's all wound up from her play time and is too busy to sit still for pets and handling.
When I bring Sidney back in from play time she is EXHAUSTED. I get her a cold terracotta pot or her chin-chiller and she lays on it and sleeps! Also, just a side note, Sidney doesn't like being picked up either so I put her carrier by her cage door and she jumps right in and i take her to play time that way!
I have two and they both act different. Chalupa bounces around and Patch just lays on his chin chiller or his ledge and passes out. But he sure wakes up quick if he hears the cookie jar open :) lol
Buddy gets a lot of playtime so he is pretty wiped out afterwards. I am in a lucky situation where his play area is not far from where we keep his cage and his cage is portable enough to carry it to block off the door.

That being said, the carrier might be a good idea. I know Buddy jumps right into his if it is open and by his cage. Then he wants out of it once it is closed! It is very weird that he likes it but doesn't at the same time...
When I first got my chins they were skittish when I approached their cage but now they practically leap onto my hands each time I open their cage. I never liked grabbing them and found that if I placed their dust house in their cage or wherever they were having playtime that they would jump in their dust quickly and then I would carry them out of or into their cage.
You should give your chin a little more time! Try not to grab her too much. Most chin do not like to be handle! Just give her a little more time and let her come to you instead! Just sit in with her during her playtime.
She'll come to you eventually! I am like a "human playground" to them whenever i sit in their play area. They hop,slide,sprint on whatever surface area they can find on me and nip on whatever I'm wearing. =)
i have to pick up all my chins to take them to the playroom aka the bathroom.
richie jumps right on my shoulder no problem! zucca my newest will circle once or twice but lets me pick him up, but at first he wouldnt let me grab him. now stitch my sweet spaz boy, i gotta be quick with him. he hates being picked up but i think after 3 or 4 days of seeing the other 2 get out of their cage he just gives in and lets me pick him up. the funny thing is he has the most fun during playtime! i guess he doesnt associate me picking him up with 30 seconds later running free in the bathroom.
give it time, you and your chin will get into a routine and it will get easier
Could it be that she's not out that long so she's still wanting more playtime.. You didn't say how long she is out for.

Or maybe she just has such a great time, she's still 'up' when you put her back in her cage..