foot care

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I finally (well my son did!) got the new rescue out of the cage for a few minutes this morning. He was such a sweetie, let me hold him & pet him.
What a mush!

I did notice that the pads of his feed are a bit dry, perhaps from his previous cage. My cage has fleece liners and hard plastic shelves.

So can I rub Bag Balm or maybe Vasoline on the bottom? Will they ingest it if they lick it??
I always use bag balm if I notice my chins' feet are excessively dry. They should naturally have a somewhat dry look to them, though. It helps protect their feet while they are jumping around on all their shelves and such. I usually only put the bag balm on if they look red/irritated or cracked.
I would try organic lip balm

I've heard that Bag Balm is safe. But I think it contains petroleum jelly. It's not likely to cause problems because chin is not going to ingest large amount.

Some hairball treatments for cats have petroleum jelly in them.Because of petroleum jelly these hair ball remedies can interfere with the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, including vitamin D. Many vets do not recommend using these products anymore and recommend herbal hairball treatments.

Petroleum jelly may also cause gastrointestinal upset and soft poo.