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I'm still trying to fig this site out lol but anyways i fig how to post here so i'm going to ask here for now. anyways i just wanted to know whats a good food for chin? the store had him on nutriphase is this good or not please let me know =o)

Nutriphase isn't a very good pellet for chinchillas. Most recommended brands are Oxbow Chinchilla Deluxe, Mazuri (you can buy both of these at PetSmart), Tradition, and some high quality rabbit feeds like Manna Pro Sho and Nutrena Naturewise.

Any pellet that has treats in it is not a good feed for chins.
thamk you for your help . I went and bought him some oxbow food just want the best for my little chin

I am using Mazuri, you can get it at pet stores. I like it cuz it smells sweet and good!! And Sebastian loves it too!
thamk you for your help . I went and bought him some oxbow food just want the best for my little chin


good choice! I feed Manna Pro Sho cuz i can get it pretty cheap locally.

Make sure to switch to his new food slowly over like 3-4 weeks :thumbsup:
Since he was not on a good pellet, I would switch cold turkey as he will most likely prefer the one with the treats.
Just be prepared for a change in their droppings when you switch the food. I was transitioning my boy Carlos from some junky pellets (can't remember what they were called right now) to a much better quality pellet and around the third day his poops were SO mushy. Honestly, I had to scrape his poop of the ledges with an old credit card and scrub them down. All his fleece had piles of loose poops too and that all came out and dealt with and then washed. I was actually starting to get a little concerned about this and was contemplating taking him to the vet to get looked at but then by the fourth day his poop started to firm up so I held off. Now he gets the 'best poop prize' out of all my boys. They're absolutely perfect. =)
Make sure you have lots of hay available to your chin to help with this transition.

Also, you can give him a probiotic to help his tummy with the transition; you can sprinkle it on his food, or on half of a spoon-sized unsweetened shredded wheat.

You may also want to get some baby gas drops. Mylicon drops--or store brand (simethecone)--to help with any gassy issues that may come up from a sudden food switch. You can tell they have gas if there are little holes in their poos, or if they are not smooth and normally shaped.