Food Question

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2012
ok so i just got my 2 female chinchillas for my birthday and have had them for about 3 weeks.The last owner gave me some food and i just ran out so my dad went and got food.He knew their old food was from the feed store in bulk but got it from petsmart.should i just feed the new food to them without gradually changing it because thats only choice i have.What should i do!!!!!!
Unless it's Oxbow or Mazuri, I wouldn't feed anything from a pet store. As Stackie said, use hay for today until you can get to the feed store.
agreed. they'll be ok with just hay for a few days until you can get the same feed they were on.

btw, what brand of feed from the feed store are you feeding? and what did your dad pick up from petsmart?
the last owner didnt tell me the name of the old brand but only told me about where they got dad already fed them the new food which is grreat choice chinchilla food,i dont know if thats a good brand or not but if not,i will change to oxbow or mazuri,they havent shown any signs of health issues from the food and its been a day or 2..i have been watchinching them closley and examining the waste so......

Thank you very much....but they waste all their hay by pulling it all out every night and they have been eating the food since what..I know you have to examine the waste but what am looking for?