Food Question

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Active member
Sep 28, 2010
Morrisville, NC
I am totally confused what to feed a chinchilla, ost rescues feed kaytee around here and so does all the pet stores. I understand that you guys do not recommend it but I don't know what to feed.:hair: I want to get everything ready for when I finally decide to get one to switch it to a great food. Can someone please tell me what is the best food. Even the threads I have read on here talks about some that are supposed to be great are giving some soft poo. I also need some dust, ho is the best person to order from. I have never been this confused but I always bought all my food from a local pet store and now I have learned that is not good for them so I need help.
On here, for optimal nutrition, most people feed Purina Rabbit Chow Show ( blue bag ), Mazuri Chinchilla Feed, Tradition chinchilla feed, or Oxbow Chinchilla Feed. I think the soft poo issues you are talking about is from the Mazuri Feed. I, personally, feed both the Mazuri and the PRCS and have never had a problem with the soft poos. As for who is best to order from on here, it is strictly a matter of personal preference, in my opinion. I have ordered from Quality Mutation Chinchillas and have had marvelous service but at the moment, Sarah is backlogged and has had to shut down her store temporarily. I have also ordered from CamphorChins, but she just got married and is moving so she is a little backlogged as well. But both of those sites are great, as is AZChins, who I have also ordered from.
I got confused,as well, when I became a member here, with all the different people who sell such great items. so I asked around on here and found out what people thought and went from there. Personally, I love the 3 I listed here along with some others.
This probably did not help you at all, did it? ;) Hopefully, some others will chime in with their opinions and get you going down the right path!