Hello everyone. i recently came accross a great deal on craigs list for 2 chinns plus a HUGE handmade cage and all supplies for a steal price. luckily my birthday is coming up in a week and i think i found my present LOL. anyway, i asked a few questions about the chins and one of them was what their diet was. the lady said it was this http://www.petco.com/product/104153/Sun-Seed-Sunscription-Vita-Prima-Chinchilla-Formula.aspx Now, i was wondering if thats a pretty good brand of food? im most likley going to switch them over to mazuri becuase ive heard great things about them and there very reputable. but for the time being is the food in the link ok for them?( i would make the food transision very slowly each day, ive read that chins have very sensitive digestive tracks.). also, what are some good treats for chins that i should give them with the mazuri food? Thanks everyone