food change, need advice!

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
hello! my chinchilla has been eating oxbow pellets for quite a while now, as well as timothy hay of course. (oxbow brand).

he had no pellets left, so i needed to get some from the pet store..who was sold out of oxbow food!

i purchased the living world chinchilla pellets (not a mixed food, just straight pellets) because it was the only one i saw that didnt have treats and stuff like that mixed into it (like the fiesta foods).

he has been eating it, (bought it and fed it to him last night), and things seem to be normal but is suddenly changing the food going to harm him?

i plan to purchase oxbow again once this food is finished but i couldnt get it last night since it was the only pet store open. (or do you suggest i return the opened bag and buy oxbow?)

thank you!

p.s. i know it is just food..and sorry for the million questions.. i just want to be sure, since one of my chinchillas in the past had a problem with food/not digesting and not being able to poop.
Switching foods like that is a good way to cause your chin to bloat or develop gut stasis. If the store was out of Oxbow, you could have just given him hay for a few days until they got it back in. If you're going to switch him to Oxbow, do it now, don't keep him on this food until it's gone and then start him on another food.

It's not "just food." Chins digestive systems are incredibly easy to screw up with frequent food changes and unhealthy treats. These questions are important to have answered.
ok perfect thank you.
ill get to the pet store tomorrow to change it! i didnt feel right changing the food :/