FN Question.

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Looks like I will be getting the FN sometime this weekend if it is available in a store. If not, I will be ordering online. I think all my boys will be solitary. 2 in the split FN and 1 in the QC. It's so quiet in my room with all of them split up. It's nice. Now, who goes in the QC by their lonesome? haha
I stand corrected.... Mom and Dad got hustled LOL
She will have the exact same setup as us.
Oh and FYI... Do not put the 2 that are fighting in the ferret nation. They will be just like mine, constantly clawing at the cage to get to each other. That's why we are separating them.
What kind of pan do you have inbetween? I have my chins in a FN and my single on the top hates other chins, but he does fine with the duo being on the bottom. I have a bass pan in there so there isn't any area he can get to the two at the bottom and cause a ruckus.
I stand corrected.... Mom and Dad got hustled

Nah. It's my hard earned money. A vet student trying to work doesn’t make much, so I was hoping to get it as a birthday present (Something different this year rather than just asking for another tattoo :p) But I can't leave Ande in a dog crate forever. He's already having flashbacks from his past in that thing.

I plan on putting Bryson and Charlie in the FN, split maybe, and put Ande in the QC. Doesn't necessarily save me any room, but I can't think of anything else.

And I will have to see how much I have emptied out my bank account before I can think about special pans. For now, I guess I will be using the supplied pans with fleece.
I just recently bought a FN cage and I love it. I only have one female chin so she is really spoiled. I had people tell me that it's not worth paying that extra money for the bass pans unless you are using bedding.

I made my own fleece liners last week and I'm not buying the bass pans. I made my liners longer so that I can kinda have it lay up a little bit on the sides so she doesn't have poop falling out the sides of the cage.

I recommend saving the money for the pans and buy them some new toys or possibly redecorate their cages since there is more room in them.

Just a thought
LOL Brit isn't a ginger.... :p I think that it only applies to male redheads anyway. :)

We'll figure out the cage thing. Although, Alex makes really nice shelves...take him up on the offer if you end up needing that other cage! :D

I seem to end up with lots of cages. I can't charge for them because usually they are just given to me with the chins for me to give to people, who need cages. :) Maybe I'll have something nicer soon. Right now I have a couple of those cage cage things and a few smaller cages that are okay but not really all that wonderful. We'll see what happens. :)
LOL Brit isn't a ginger.... :p I think that it only applies to male redheads anyway. :)


I guess it kind of applies to anyone redheaded, pale and freckled. I had no idea South Park started it. Can't say I am surprised tho. Watch out for the "Gingervitis"! :duh:

What kind of pan do you have inbetween? I have my chins in a FN and my single on the top hates other chins, but he does fine with the duo being on the bottom. I have a bass pan in there so there isn't any area he can get to the two at the bottom and cause a ruckus.

We have the plastic pans with fleece. They try to get at each other in the corners where the shelves are.
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Haha, well, I come from a family of red heads. Me not liking my red hair, I dye it a darker color or lighter, just depends. Of course, I have quit, because the sun here just takes it back to my original color. Brownish red. Oh well. I'm not pale white and freckled. So I guess I'm not a ginger :p
:D We're going to offend redheads. I admit it...we have gingers in my family. That's one reason why I may never decide to have kids...the gene for red hair is recessive and I know that I have it - you can see it in my hair because there is a little bit of red in it. John is full blown ginger. We would create the palest skinned red headed babies. Not that that is a bad thing at all. It sure would make my mother happy to "finally" have a grandbaby. :rolleyes: So many reasons to not breed myself. :D

We don't have cable or a dish or anything...I never saw the South Park episode. I think that I heard it all on the radio or something...most of what I hear is from the radio since I spend so much time with the chins. (I need to set up the chin rooms with television monitors...)
Yeah, I can see how that would happen with the plastic pans since they aren't flush with the sides. Bass pans (or any other well made metal pans) may solve your problem.