FM Brown's Herb's n' Hay Edible Tunnel

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2011
I was buying some feed today and at the store they had this FM Brown's Herb's n' Hay Edible Tunnel. I could only find info on it at where it had good reviews, but I've never seen it before so I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone had any experience with it.

It is all natural and basically is just compressed hay (such as with hay cubes) so I think it's safe but you can never be too careful.

Thanks in advance!
I saw that and said EWW, since gelatin is a protein produced by chemical decomposition of colagen taken from the boiled down bones, muscles, organs and some intestines of domestic farm animals, I did not see myself feeding them that.
I saw that and said EWW, since gelatin is a protein produced by chemical decomposition of colagen taken from the boiled down bones, muscles, organs and some intestines of domestic farm animals, I did not see myself feeding them that.

I hope you don't eat jell-o then. ;) And cream cheese...margarin...marshmallows...jams..yogurt...gummy bears... it's in a lot of stuff. :D
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I don't eat anything that I can sense there is gelatin in it, I grew up near a rendering plant in the central valley and my Grandparents had no problem telling me what went on there since they were farm people and had no problem with it. Those were the same people who fed me my pet chicken Henrietta.
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Hmmm okay well, I'll pass on it though it did get good reviews. I am mostly concerned with the safety factor, since I'm sure in terms of taste the chinnies won't be offended by gelatin ;-) But of course I'd never give them anything unsafe so I'll just stick to the critter crunch tunnels. Thanks!
I hope you don't eat jell-o then. ;) And cream cheese...margarin...marshmallows...jams..yogurt...gummy bears... it's in a lot of stuff. :D

I only eat organic and far better than most food on the market. That is why there are so many diseases in humans along with our pets.

Did you know that over 50 million pounds and more of chicken manure are being fed to beef cattle in California and a few other states. Yet the USDA and FDA do nothing about it. This meat is being eaten by humans.

Here is a kicker about natural hormone free chicken that is sold in stores. Guess how the corporate chicken farmers get around it. They inject the hormone in the eggs.

We allow farmers to use steroids in milking cows, but we banned it in sports. Yet we deny raw milk to the consumers in most states. Raw milk is one of the most vital foods we can eat, but has to come from cows eating organic grasses only.

Now between USDA and FDA we are allowing GMO farming as many oversea countries have banned it. This is in our food along with pet food. I hate to see the outcome of our health over the next 5 to 20 years with this GMO food.

I can imagine how many China products are loaded with harmful chemicals. Look at the trouble we had with animal food coming from there with deathly chemicals in the products.

Did you know that some of the plastic bags used in stores are loaded with lead. The amount found in them exceeds the allowable count by law.

Did you know that a seed that comes from a certain tree cures cancer. Guess what the tree is illegal to grown in the USA. I have seen many cases of loving kids being cured from it. I know one case that a poor little boy had a huge tumor behind his nose. The cancer doctor wanted to cut his nose off and to dig out the tumor. The parents refused and went overseas to have this great kid eat large amounts of this seed. Guess what the tumor went away and he is cancer free. They had a visit with the doctor and he was shocked. Yet he never asked the parents what they did for him. Sad for the health system we have as there are many cures for the diseases in the country.

Out health system is out of hand with the current USDA, FDA and along with the corporate drug manufactures. Did you know that the FDA is run by the big corporate drug manufactures.

Did you know between the drug manufactures, hospitals and doctors that they are the number one cause of death of humans.

I can see why so many people that can afford it are going overseas for cures of cancer and more
Did you know that a seed that comes from a certain tree cures cancer. Guess what the tree is illegal to grown in the USA. I have seen many cases of loving kids being cured from it. I know one case that a poor little boy had a huge tumor behind his nose. The cancer doctor wanted to cut his nose off and to dig out the tumor. The parents refused and went overseas to have this great kid eat large amounts of this seed. Guess what the tumor went away and he is cancer free. They had a visit with the doctor and he was shocked. Yet he never asked the parents what they did for him. Sad for the health system we have as there are many cures for the diseases in the country.

I've heard most of the others but I've never heard that one! What tree is it? Do you know why it's illegal?
Bitter Almond is restricted b/c if not handled properly, it's highly toxic. (The ones we eat are the sweet almond).

Consequently, the prussic acid must be leached out of the bitter almonds before they can be used by humans as food.

Did you know that almond extract sold in the stores for baking is made from bidder almonds.

Yes, toxic, but if handled correctly, in oversea countries are doing this and that is give to humans for one cure of cancer. It is the Vitamin B17 and Laetrile that is healthy. It also contains hydrogen. Did you know that the human body produces hydrogen peroxide and is the number one reason for it is to fight off and prevent illness.

No it not the same peroxide that is sold in stores. I buy food grade hydrogen peroxide. I take it to fight off cancer and other diseases. I also use it as a mouth wash as it kills and prevents gum disease. I add to my laundry water. Add it to my floor steamer, along with cleaning any of my kitchen counters.

Right now the FDA and USDA are trying hard to find a way to have it banned and being pushed by the big drug manufactures as they know it prevents and kills cancer cells and more.

I also give it to all my chinchillas and have for over 3 years.

So you know it is diluted and has to be as it is harmful in its original state.
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