I have a flying saucer for a cage that I "upgraded" myself from a store-bought cage, in which I removed all plastic shelving and replaced it with wood. I also put in one of those nifty flying saucers, but when my chin runs on it, she shakes the cage so loudly at night! What cages do you know of that don't shake/make such a racket when the saucer is run on, or how can I reinforce it better? I've tried using an extra piece of wood against the back of the cage to help stabilize it, but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions would be helpful!
I have a flying saucer for a cage that I "upgraded" myself from a store-bought cage, in which I removed all plastic shelving and replaced it with wood. I also put in one of those nifty flying saucers, but when my chin runs on it, she shakes the cage so loudly at night! What cages do you know of that don't shake/make such a racket when the saucer is run on, or how can I reinforce it better? I've tried using an extra piece of wood against the back of the cage to help stabilize it, but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions would be helpful!