Floured chinchillas, oh my! :D

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
So my little brother and I just finished making dough for sugar cookies, and we went upstairs to grab one of the chins for play time, and he spotted the dust and he thought it was more flour. While my back was turned he opened the jug and was sprinkling (just little sprinkles, by the way) it on Big Momma who was in turn loving it, when I told him 'No, the chilla's don't need to be 'floured'', which is what he was saying that they needed, as I took away the dust from Clayton, Big Momma barked at me ran to the corner of the cage and gave me the stink eye.

Oh geez.


I love these guys.
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That's really cute. Edgar has a preference for dusting in the large bass liner we have in our FN. Unfortunately it leaves too much dust for him to do it often so he has to settle for the dust house.