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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I know chins can't get fleas, my question is exactlly WHY. I've been arguing with people who said that a vet saw fleas on a rescue chin. I'm not saying that vet is a liar, but might that be an exception? Is it really because of the thickness of their coat?
I've read that its impossible for chins to get flea's because where humans have 1-2 hairs per follicule, whereas chins are 40-50, which also avoids pet dander, making chins great pets for people with animal allergies.
I dont know if thats helpful, but thats what ive read. :)
I've always heard that chins don't get them like other animals, if they did get them, they'd stay on their ears or face since the fur is thinner there. But that they couldn't survive in their denser fur.

Although I haven't seen any actual data or anything on this, only what's been said by people with chin experience.
I've taken in many hundreds of rescues and I have yet to see fleas on any of them. Even in places where the dogs and cats are covered in fleas the chin don't seem to have them.

They have such thick fur that the fleas just can't get down to the skin very easily. Chins could get fleas...but they're not as prone to them as cats or dogs. I haven't seen the fleas, but that doesn't mean that it is totally impossible. I've seen some chins that are in really BAD shape with very thin fur. I can definitely see how a malnourished chin with very very thin fur could do it.
All right so it really comes down to the fur. Great, that was helpful. Actually I don't think the vet is going to change his mind looll but at least I know I'm right!
I have seen fleas on a rescue, but her hair was so matted and clumped that bare skin was showing. She also had fleas on her legs. I don't think it is very common, this was an extreme case.