Flavoring Loofah

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
So I was thinking of buying some natural loofah loafs, what do people use to flavor them? I know I could color them with food coloring but what about adding flavor? Thanks :D
Yep, kool aid just the flavor, no sugar of course. Let them soak for a day or two, and then air dry.
Where can you get natural loofahs? My babies loooovvvveee those! :p
Where can i get loofah seeds? and are they easy to grow?
Hey Chinchilla owners!

I am a pround NEW owner of a chinchilla, and I have a question!

What is Luffa? Is it meant for you to feed to your chin? I have no idea and if it is I think I should try that for Jasper (my chin):hmm:

Is all that stuff on that page chinchilla safe. I like the prices that's why I'm asking, and I know that if it's made correctly the stuff is safe, so I'm asking [because it's a bird place] because I would like to order some stuff and again, just wanted to make sure it's all chin safe.


I know a lot of people from here order stuff from that website, I would certainly not say that everything on that site is chin safe, I would say many items from the "Natural Toy Part" list are but for example, from what I have read yucca is not (so no "Yuca chunks"). Any of the "bagels," "critter caves," "vine balls," the willow products, "woven chews" are safe. If you are looking at another item and aren't sure if it is safe do a search or simply ask ;)

I can say that they are very fast to respond to emails, and are very nice
The loofah on that page looks safe to me. You don't want to buy any loofah that is a white color as that means it's been bleached. But those are the brown color, meaning they're natural and haven't been bleached.
Okay, thanks. I was thinking about the wreaths, grapevine wreathers, ladders, woven chews, vine balls, and bagel tubes.

I love getting the chins something different to chew on. lol
