Fixing Chins?

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
I'm not planning on having it done, but do or can people do that? It just came to mind because we maybe getting a rescue dog and my mom was talking about getting her spayed .
Yes, chins can be neutered if you have a reliable vet that can do so. I do not recommend getting females spayed, but males can be neutered pretty easily if you have the right vet. I don't like putting chins under the knife if it's not necessary, so I usually just recommend keeping males and females separate.
Yes, chins can be neutered if you have a reliable vet that can do so. I do not recommend getting females spayed, but males can be neutered pretty easily if you have the right vet. I don't like putting chins under the knife if it's not necessary, so I usually just recommend keeping males and females separate.

I find that odd, everything on them is so tiny!
Rats are even tinier and they neuter rats all the time. ;) It's all about finding a vet who is competent in pocket pet & exotic care.