first self annointing!!! and a question

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my little boy louie just self annoited for the first time. it was on a little peice of cantalope. it was so funny to watch. this may sound lame but my gf went to get my hedgie with me and she really likes him. so my question is. will he do it again to the cantalope or no? will he do it with anything but cantalope now?
He might continue to do it with cantelope or he may decide he'es done that already and won't do it again. Some hedgehogs choose certain things and will annoint like crazy and continually over the same thing.
That's the fun part of anointing, you just never know when or why they are going to do it. One of mine will anoint with sweet potatoes, but not everytime I give them to her. I've had times where the first night she had them, she was fine, the second night I gave them she anointed... you just never know when you are going to end up with a food spotted hedgehog.