I <3 dustbunnies
Whoo been a busy week! Got everyone all moved and settled in our new house in Nashville on Monday. Satine my Ryerson's 1B white mosaic has been biggggggg prego and we knew she would go soon. So the next morning (Tuesday 9/1) I went down to check on her and she was in active labor...got to see X5 born...went to the grocery, came back to X6 and X7 and then got to see X8 born! This is Satine's first litter and my first litter of quads. All are doing great, weights at birth were 36g, 38g, 48gs, 49gs.
All on my anniversiary! So now that makes birthday and anniversiary kits for me!:thumbsup: So without further delay here are the quads!
3 white females (just what I wanted!!) Sassafrass, Sassparilla, and Sasquehanna and 1 standard male Titus (after his dad Titan).
All on my anniversiary! So now that makes birthday and anniversiary kits for me!:thumbsup: So without further delay here are the quads!
3 white females (just what I wanted!!) Sassafrass, Sassparilla, and Sasquehanna and 1 standard male Titus (after his dad Titan).