First few introductions

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So, I've slowly been letting Kingston and Kurtis get a sniff of each other. Kurtis always wondered up to Kingston's cage during playtime, and they've been having a few short playtimes together. The first few times, they chased each other, then they ignored each other, and tonight they were sharing their dust bath (so cute!) Well, all was well too short of a time. They were both getting along fine until about 10 minutes ago when they were grinding their teeth at each other, I watched carefully, then they went at it and I quickly stopped them but it seemed Kurtis' penis was out (for what ever reason) and it had a bit of blood on it. Kurtis quickly sheathed himself and make small quite chirping noises and hopped around, not even minding Kingston was still there (he usually hid if Kingston ever chased him). I picked him up and looked at him, saw no more blood, and held him for a minute and put him in his cage. He's eating and not cleaning himself or anything.

I know this sounds stupid but could I have just seen a really dark vein or something? I'll watch him over the next few days and keep them separate during playtime. Its unbelievable how fast they can have a spat, I'm glad I watched them and was able to break it up before something more serious happened. Is there any thing I should check for like a scratch would that be visible?

I just want to know if he could get an infection if bitten there or what I should look for.
If you can, try and look at his penis the same way you would when checking for a hair ring. If there is no scratch or anything, I would watch for it tomorrow morning to make sure all is okay.

Maybe he was cleaning himself not long before they got at each other.
Thanks for the response, he's been cleaning himself a lot today, he's also going into puberty I believe. He wouldn't let me check him when I got off work but I will try again in a little while once he's calmed down.