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Nov 16, 2012
Im going to be taking in a ferret tmrw. My place is not very large but i will be moving in a month to a much bigger place where the chins would have their own room. Until then i was wondering if there was a barrier between chin cage and ferret cage so they cant see eachother if that would be ok or should i do a whole seperate room? I just dont want to stress chins. The ferret wont be allowed to play anywhere near chin cage as i know they are natural prey. Suggestions would be much appreciated as i dont want to upset my girls. I know its not ideal but im moving soon so its short term.
I would keep the ferret in a different room all together. It will keep the chins less stressed and reduce the risk of a terrible accident happening.
I was thinking of keeping ferret in kitchen until we move. When she is out playing she will be kept in a differnt room from chins. I cant wait to move seeing as chins will have their own room so playtime will be much easier, its only a ten min drive from my house now.
Ive had ferrets most of my life. They are awesome pets lol. Just recently i was up to 5 ferrets, and 5 chinchillas. But 3 ferrets died of old age, so I'm down to two.

While technically the ferrets and chins are in different rooms, their is still only about 1-2 feet between cages. The wall blocks off half the cage from each. So they can still see each other through the other half. - When they are out to play tho there is a barrier up so neither can enter the others room. And they are never out at the same time.

For the most part they just ignore each other. My ferrets could care less. And th only time my male chins take any real notice of them is when they are out. My one chin will sit in the front corner on the second floor of the FN cage and watch them.

Ironically tho, i do have to keep a permanent visual barrier between my male and female chins. (Separate cages) If my father chin sees mommy chin he will start having seizures since he cant get to her.